LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The prosecutor walked silently in front of the jury, holding a portrait of a soldier killed outside an Arkansas recruiting center in 2009. Then he spoke: “William Andrew Long.” Carrying a photo of another soldier, prosecutor Larry Jegley did the same. “A son, a brother, a friend,” Mr. Jegley […]
Will Perry Carry the Day? The Texas governor’s agricultural past could help or hurt him. In the Russell Senate Office Building Caucus Room, Fred McClure was watching the crowd. It was March 1978, and the American Agriculture Movement — a pressure group for government support of farm prices — was meeting with Texan congressmen. […]
Government by Platitude Some Republicans are getting desperate over the debt-ceiling debate, but we hope not desperate enough to embrace the Gang of Six proposal. It may be the worst of the debt-ceiling compromises placed before them to date. The authors allege that their plan will eliminate some $3.7 trillion from the projected federal […]
Gunwalker: Testimony Reveals Eric Holder’s Obfuscation Tactics Posted By Patrick Richardson Attorney General Eric Holder continues to duck responsibility for Operation Fast and Furious, which allowed more than 2,500 weapons, including thousands of AK-47 variants and .50 caliber sniper rifles, across the Mexican border and into the hands of the cartels. The weapons […] While New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg works in anxious haste to build the cultural obscenity that is the Ground Zero mosque, the iconic St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was built in 1916 and destroyed in the attack on the World Trade Center towers by Muslim terrorists, remains vanquished, unable to rebuild. Bloomberg […]
The Danger of an Unaccountable ‘Consumer-Protection’ Czar The SEC and FDIC are led by boards. Why should one person have sweeping powers over the economy? On July 18, President Obama nominated former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created under the Dodd-Frank Act. Many on the left […] The Paul Ryan Factor Non-Obama voters want a presidential contender who can do hand-to-hand policy combat with the incumbent in 2012. “Don’t read this as a Ryan endorsement. Read it as an endorsement of the discontented voters who understand they need a candidate with the skill set to take on Barack Obama with more […] Obama seeks ‘appropriate balance’ in fighting terrorism Ex-aide says shift away from al Qaeda The United States needs to engage with Arab and Muslim people on broader issues than the war against terrorism, the former head of the Obama administration’s public diplomacy team says. Judith McHale, who recently finished her appointment as undersecretary for […]
In his New York Times bestseller America Alone, Steyn warned of the impending collapse of just about every country in the western world except America. The good news is the rest of the west’s demise is still on schedule. The bad news is America has now signed up for the same program, supersized. And, unlike […]
Britain’s “Islamic Emirates Project” by Soeren Kern A Muslim group in the United Kingdom has launched a campaign to turn twelve British cities – including what it calls “Londonistan” – into independent Islamic states. The so-called Islamic Emirates would function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Sharia law and operate entirely outside British jurisprudence.The […]