Former British Ambassador Charles Crawford argues that the Labour Party’s support for the unrelenting deconstruction of British values has created ignorant, violent decontextualised people, completely detached from history – and morality Over the centuries English property law has invented many ingeniously pragmatic ways in which property can be owned. One key distinction shows itself […] British Left squirming as riots expose their flawed ideas It’s a difficult time to be a Left-winger when a society run on your lines is plainly dysfunctional, as the riots have shown. Guardian credibility has hit the rocks. If you wanted to illustrate what “cognitive dissonance” meant to someone who had never heard the […] KUT, Iraq (AP) — Bomb blasts ripped through more than a dozen Iraqi cities Monday morning, killing 56 people — most of them in the southern city of Kut — in a wave of violence that shattered what had been a relatively peaceful holy month of Ramadan. The violence struck from the northern city […]
An Anatomy of Law Enforcement Impotence The modern law enforcement apparatus is an impressive thing. It’s no longer about men with clubs standing on street corners and cracking heads. Law enforcement is a scientific endeavor encompassing everything from high end forensic sciences to sociology and psychology. It’s a field of ideas now, and it […] If a Jew — and a senior-ranking US Senator at that — is targeted with violence and nobody bothers to report it, does it still count as news? Well, that’s what happened. Dmitry Dyatlov, a 23 year-old Philadelphia resident originally from Uzbekistan, wrote in his rambling and frequently offensive personal blog that although watching […] Newsweek Magazine sold for less than the face value of a single issue and it was still too expensive at the price. Now it’s using the same marketing strategy as crazy people who ask for change on the street and Michael Moore. Offensive photoshopped covers. Five years ago if you told someone that Newsweek […] What Defines ‘Religion’? A new book tackles that question, and focuses on another: does Islam qualify? Allah is Dead: Why Islam Is Not a Religion By Rebecca Bynum Published by New English Review Press, 2011 Reviewed by Janet Levy In a July 29 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit […] Abe BC’s of Sharia: A Totalitarian, “Cloacal” System Abraham Foxman’s latest uninformed rant, “Shout down the Sharia myth makers [3],” re-affirms his nonpareil status as the most blindly agenda-driven and distressingly stupid organizational Jewish “leader.” The Anti-Defamation League (ADL)’s Foxman sprays defamatory charges [3]—rooted in willful ignorance—against all those legitimately concerned with the ceaseless […] Once again the nation is being lured into disaster by the “pied-pipers of Oslo,” this time playing a new tune. “Poor Menachem [Begin]… I got back… the Sinai and the Alma oil fields, and what has Menachem got? A piece of paper” – Anwar Sadat on the Peace Agreement with Israel, The New […] The gods of the liberals—“progressives,” as they insist on calling themselves this season—are failing all over the place. Restless natives are rioting in London. Peasants are getting rich selling 90-proof Oolong in Washington. The elites are “unsettled,” as elites always are, in a lot of places between. The “progressives” are particularly frightened by Barack […]