WILL THE DEFICIT REDUCTION COMMISSION HAVE THE GUTS TO DO THIS WITHOUT PAUL RYAN?…..RSK A few hundred billion dollars here, a few hundred billion dollars there — sooner or later we’re talking about the real cost of Barack Obama’s new socialized medicine monstrosity. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once said that “we have to […] The London riots are yet another episode in the slow disintegration of Europe. London is no longer an English city, it’s just another pin on a map. Much of London is a bunch of Third World cultures living in a geographical area that they have no cultural or emotional connection to. The culture around […] JEB HERNSARLING IS GREAT BUT WHERE IS PAUL RYAN THE REAL STAR OF CONGRESS? REP. UPTON DIMMED THE LIGHTS ON INCANDESCENT BULBS… THE DEM SENATE PICKS ARE PATHETIC…PATTY MURRAY, JOHN KERRY, MAX BAUCUS (COMBINED IQ IS LOWER THAN RYAN’S)…THE GOP THREE ARE KYL, TOOMEY AND PORTMAN…ALL THREE ARE GOOD….RSK Republican leaders Wednesday tapped six […] Muslims across Europe are marking the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which falls in August this year. The religious celebrations – during which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk – are being promoted by normally secular European multiculturalists who have drawn up guidelines, issued instructions and carved out special privileges to ensure that Muslims […] That quotation was missing from this report, and sheds considerably more light on why authorities feared Noor al-Maleki’s family might try to finish in the hospital what her father started when he ran her down with his Jeep. It also further explains why the police detective called the mother a “sick individual.” “Disturbing Details […] Obama’s poisonous fruit. More unintended consequences of Obama’s disastrous foreign policy will continue to unfold. So duck. “A new break-away armed faction” ……. same as the old break-away armed faction. Same cat, different hat. It. is. all. jihad. Period. This ain’t rocket science. Revived Mujahidin faction emerges in the Gaza Strip J Post 08/10/2011 […] “When a society refuses to impose a moral code in its schools, homes and culture, pandemonium is the result — think Detroit, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. Multiply that several times and you have the lawlessness that has swept Britain with greater force than its mad cow disease scare.” PORTSTEWART, Northern Ireland — Some have […] From the St Pete Times: Just days after 30 U.S. troops, including 22 Navy SEALs, died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan, Adm. William McRaven took the helm of U.S. Special Operations Command in a somber ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base. McRaven, 55, who oversaw and helped plan the mission that […]
How Obama Disappointed the World By Marc Hujer,1518,druck-779043,00.html As America’s first black president, Barack Obama electrified an entire nation. But now that the nation is in crisis, he seems unable to connect with the people. He wanted to change America and restore its reputation in the world. But now his opponents are dictating the […]
URL to article: History Dangerous to Repeat Posted By Bruce Thornton The recently passed Budget Control Act calls for automatic across the board budget cuts of $1.2 trillion if the Congressional “super-committee” cannot agree on targeted reductions. About half of this amount would come from the defense budget, which already is slated for $350-400 […]