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Ruth King

America’s Tactical Nuclear Stand-Down Biden wants to cancel a cruise missile that offers discriminate options.


The Biden Administration has released an unclassified review of American nuclear forces, and buried in the bureaucratic prose is a contradiction. China and Russia are amassing large, diverse nuclear arsenals, but the U.S. is nixing a tactical nuclear missile that could help deter Vladimir Putin and other rogues.

The 2022 Nuclear Posture Review says the Biden Team will cancel the nuclear sea-launched cruise missile, known as SLCM-N, which is a planned smaller “tactical” nuke that could be launched from U.S. Navy ships or submarines. The cancellation isn’t a surprise. The Administration zeroed out the missile in its budget proposal this year.

But the decision is notable for failing to adapt to growing dangers. To quote from the review, China has “embarked on an ambitious expansion, modernization, and diversification of its nuclear forces and established a nascent nuclear triad.” Beijing hopes to have at least 1,000 deliverable warheads by the end of the decade, offering new options to “leverage nuclear weapons for coercive purposes.”

Russia may have an overrated conventional force, but Mr. Putin has an “active stockpile” of up to 2,000 tactical nukes. By the 2030s, the posture review notes, “the United States will, for the first time in its history, face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries.” Ponder that grim reality.

The U.S. will have to improve its weapons stockpiles, missile defenses and conventional military power, and a sea-launched cruise missile is only one small part of the arsenal. But the SLCM-N would give the U.S. an effective military response that can limit destruction if an adversary uses a tactical nuke. No President should have to choose between doing nothing or nuking Moscow. If the U.S. can respond in discriminating fashion to the use of a tactical nuke, an adversary is less likely to go nuclear in the first place.

Biden’s Missing Taiwan Strategy As he meets with Xi Jinping, the President lacks a credible trade agenda for the Pacific.


When President Biden sits down Monday with Xi Jinping ahead of the G-20 summit, he’ll face a confident and increasingly aggressive Chinese President. Who knows what Mr. Xi will conclude about the aging American president, but there’s no doubt he will probe U.S. resolve on Taiwan.

Mr. Xi comes to the meeting having been given a historic third term by the Chinese Communist Party. Meanwhile, the U.S. recently concluded what it called “productive” meetings with Taipei over trade-related issues. Mr. Xi opposes closer U.S. ties with the island democracy.

The decision to pursue these trade negotiations is welcome. But the context is that this was a sop to Taiwan for the Biden Administration’s decision to exclude it from the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework that the President announced in May. A bipartisan group of 52 senators and 200 House Members wrote separate letters urging Taiwan’s inclusion.

IPEF is a watered down version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that Barack Obama signed in 2016 but President Trump withdrew from in one of his worst strategic decisions. IPEF is intended to shore up allies in the region by creating a rules-based community based on shared objectives.

China isn’t included because it isn’t a good-faith player, and the hope is that IPEF helps shield our friends from China’s bullying. Australia suffered when China, angered by its call for an honest investigation into the origin of Covid, retaliated by restricting Australian exports such as wine, coal and lobster.




On average, Israel has about 300 sunny days a year with hot summers and mild winters. While beautiful beaches, cafes and cuisine, scuba diving in Eilat, ruins in Caesarea, and ancient Churches which have been meticulously restored by Israel, are among the sites that lure tourists of all faiths from all over the globe.

 As Michael Ordman details in his essential newsletter, scientists in Israel work 24/7 to harness the benefits of sunshine and clement weather to produce innovations in the production of food for citizens throughout the world.

This evokes Psalm 107-9 “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”     rsk


Nitric Oxide speeds recovery from Covid-19. The LungFit Nitric Oxide device from Israel’s Beyond Air (see here previously) speeds up the recovery of hospitalized COVID patients. Clinical (human) trials showed they needed less oxygen support and spent less time in the hospital than those who didn’t receive the treatment.
Device avoids need for open-heart surgery. (TY UWI) Israel’s Cuspa Medical is testing the Cusper – a device that takes over the job of a damaged heart valve that can no longer open and close properly to control blood to the heart. The Cusper is inserted using a catheter in a minimally invasive procedure, avoiding major surgery.
Preventing secondary cancer. It’s early days, but Tel Aviv University scientists have managed in lab tests to reduce the incidence of breast cancer relapse by 88%. They used two chemotherapies – doxorubicin and cisplatin together, which reduced the spread of cancer cells (metastasis) that occurred using just one therapy.
Preventing hair loss from chemo. Decursin is a substance that promotes hair growth, especially in chemotherapy patients. Decursin is normally extracted from a rare seasonal flower in an expensive process, but students at Israel’s Technion Institute have just won awards by synthesizing it using enzymes from bacteria.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/technion-undergrads-wow-paris-meet-with-plan-to-reduce-chemo-induced-hair-loss/   https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-720574
Medical research to use real-world data. Israel’s Ministry of Health is partnering with Israel’s Lynx MD (see here previously) to make patient data from 49 Israeli medical centers available for research. Lynx MD’s medical intelligence platform anonymously secures the data before releasing it to researchers.
Medicine and Peace conference. (TY Hazel) The 3-day medical conference “Tomorrow’s Medicine as a Bridge for Peace” in Morocco brought together 60 cancer specialists from Morocco, Israel, and France. It was organized by Pax Medicalis, a France-based nonprofit known in English as the Peace Medical Association.
On the spot. Israel is a small country, and paramedic training is a priority.  A volunteer EMT from NGO United Hatzalah was walking on the same Netivot street as a man who had a heart attack. The EMT began CPR and was soon joined by another EMT with a defibrillator. Shortly afterwards, the man regained consciousness.

Biden Wants Talks While China’s Xi Prepares for War by Gordon G. Chang


The meeting, as crucial as everyone believes it will be, should not occur. It is long past time for America to stop talking with the Chinese regime and start imposing costs for dangerous and other unacceptable behavior.

Talking sounds as if it should work but in fact has produced horrible results, for more than three decades. In short, dialogue enables China to buy time and often run out the clock.

Biden as president has already had five phone or video calls with Xi, so by now it should be clear what his red lines are. Moreover, on any day, People’s Daily lists them.

[T]he Chinese are not real believers in the importance of dialogue; they break it off whenever they feel it is to their advantage.

[D]uring summits presidents often convey warnings, seek understanding, or propose joint action. “There is no reason to think Xi Jinping is prepared to seek understanding or would take constructive joint action,” he said. “It also is extremely unlikely that he believes or respects words of warning from the Biden administration. Given that, a side meeting on the margins of the G20 is pointless or counterproductive.” — Steve Yates, chairman of the China Policy Initiative of the America First Policy Institute, to Gatestone, November 2022.

It is time… for America to get ready for the war that is coming. That means, among other things, bolstering those defending free societies, not emboldening those intent on attacking them.

“Refusing to speak is what children do when they are angry,” the Economist states. No, refusing to speak is what leaders do when speaking for decades has created one of the most dangerous moments in history.

President Joe Biden will meet with Chinese ruler Xi Jinping on November 14 in Bali, Indonesia, on the sidelines of the G20 Summit. The talks will be, as Gideon Rachman wrote, “the first global summit of the second cold war.”

The meeting, as crucial as everyone believes it will be, should not occur. It is long past time for America to stop talking with the Chinese regime and start imposing costs for dangerous and other unacceptable behavior.

Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard

In 1881 America had three different presidents in one calendar year: Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, and Chester A. Arthur.

Candice Millard’s books- on Churchill in the Boer War, on Theodore Roosevelt’s  exploration of the Amazon River, and on the Richard Burton and John Speke expedition to find the source of the Nile are all splendid, informative, and well written.  This book on James  Garfield  the 20th president of the United States who served from March 4, 1881 until his death on September 19, 1881 , two months after he was shot by an assassin is no exception.    rsk

James Abram Garfield was one of the most extraordinary men ever elected president. Born into abject poverty, he rose to become a wunderkind scholar, a Civil War hero, a renowned congressman, and a reluctant presidential candidate who took on the nation’s corrupt political establishment. But four months after Garfield’s inauguration in 1881, he was shot in the back by a deranged office-seeker named Charles Guiteau. Garfield survived the attack, but become the object of bitter, behind-the-scenes struggles for power—over his administration, over the nation’s future, and, hauntingly, over his medical care. Meticulously researched, epic in scope, and pulsating with an intimate human focus and high-velocity narrative drive, The Destiny of the Republic brings alive a forgotten chapter of U.S. history.

The Systemic Racism of the Teachers Unions Clearly, the NEA, an organization that frequently rails about “systemic racism,” is guilty of that sin. By Larry Sand


Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could reverse the 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger decision, in which SCOTUS asserted that the use of an applicant’s race as a factor in an admissions policy of a public educational institution does not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The current case specifically cites the use of race in the admissions process at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. The plaintiffs, Students for Fair Admissions, maintain that Harvard violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, “which bars entities that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, because Asian American applicants are less likely to be admitted than similarly qualified white, Black, or Hispanic applicants.”

One of the glaring outrages of the case is that the two national teachers unions—the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers—filed amicus briefs in which they pound the racial bean counting drum. The unions insist that “diversity” must remain a factor in choosing who gets to be admitted into a given college.

The NEA brief claims that “elementary and secondary schools remain heavily segregated. In the 2019–2020 school year, the average White student attended a majority White school. By contrast, students of color are far more likely to attend schools where the majority of students are also students of color.”

The irony of the teachers unions’ deploring racism in education is glaring, because it is the very same unions that essentially imprison children – notably poor children of color – in substandard public schools. Specifically, the union-mandated collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), in place throughout most of the country, bring to light why government-run schools fail so many kids.

NeverTrump Fraternity Parties On The results of the midterms and Donald Trump’s rhetorical incontinence have emboldened the anti-Trump faction. By Roger Kimball


Is Peggy Noonan back in the driver’s seat? The title and argument of her Wall Street Journal column Thursday made me wonder. “Maybe Republicans Will Finally Learn,” she intoned, explaining in a subhead, “If they aren’t serious about policy, they’ll nominate Trump in 2024 and lose a fourth straight election.” 

By “Peggy Noonan,” I do not just mean that particular columnist. I mean the generators of The Narrative tout court. As a paid-up member of the establishment, Noonan has long been a Trump opponent. If you have your finger in the air, you know that that’s the way the wind is blowing. It happened in a nonce. 

Of course, the NeverTrump speakers have been blaring that message since 2016. But someone flipped a switch, and the other bank of stereo speakers suddenly came to life, spouting the same message: The horrible ogre Donald Trump lost the midterm elections for the GOP. Not only that, he said disobliging things about two of his possible GOP rivals, Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia. Be done with him!

I happen to be a fan of DeSantis and Youngkin. Both are talented politicians and credible future GOP presidential candidates. But having witnessed Donald Trump’s inventory of epithets for his Republican rivals in 2016 (“Little Marco,” “Low Energy Jeb,” “Lyin’ Ted”), I am not really surprised that he is honing that rhetorical sword. Some people think it happened all of a sudden a week or two back. In fact, it has been developing for some time. Do I like it? Not really. But no one who has watched Trump over the last six years should be surprised. We don’t yet know whether he is running in 2024. Probably, we will on Tuesday when he makes his advertised big reveal. My bet? He will run. 

The establishment thinks so, too, which is why you cannot turn on the news or open a newspaper without encountering warnings that there is serious “GOP pushback” to the idea. 

The “Dump Trump” meme, active since he won the 2016 election, has acquired new energy following the midterms. We were promised a red wave. It didn’t materialize. It must be Trump’s fault. 

Was it? Ninety-three percent of the hundreds of candidates Trump endorsed won their primary contest in the 2022 election. Eighty percent won in the general. That is a far higher percentage of wins for Trump-endorsed candidates than ever before. In 2018, for example, only 59 percent of the candidates he endorsed won in the general. 

GOP must insist on a return to pre-2020 election system in competitive states or die By Jared Peterson


It’s entirely possible that the Republicans will not win the House. If they do, it will be by a razor thin margin under circumstances that should have produced a blowout.

The main reason for this second in a row reversal of all historic electoral precedent is plain to anyone who wants to look and be honest:

Florida has an electoral law that most closely recreates the US election DAY mechanics of all time prior to 2020: No mass mailing of unrequested absentee ballots to all registered voters – only those registered voters requesting an absent ballot no later than 10 days before the election get one; and their ballot is counted only if received by a specific date.  In Florida there was strict enforcement of date deadlines, and larger percentages of voters than elsewhere voted at the polls.

Ergo: in Florida there was fast counting and quick results; and much less time for shenanigans.

And a Republican blowout.

In Florida there was no collecting/harvesting of ballots. And – even more important – no voting by that substantial segment of the Democrat party base that’s too disorganized and generally out of it to either remember to go to the polls or to request an absentee ballot.

The mass mailing of millions of absentee ballots, coupled with lengthy return periods and allowed methods of return (e.g., unsupervised drop boxes) has, in a multitude of ways, expanded the Dem vote.

It may save them both the House and Senate this time.

Education Department funding Middle East Studies Centers pushing ‘anti-West ideologies’: new report DOE is doling out $2.9M to university-affiliated programs that have morphed from centers of scholarship in area studies into hotbeds of leftist propaganda and activism, according to National Association of Scholars.By Mary Lou Lang

Also Read:https://www.nas.org/reports/hijacked/full-report

This week’s Golden Horseshoe is awarded to the Department of Education (DOE) for giving $2.9 million to 11 university-affiliated Middle East Studies Centers (MESCs) that are promoting left-wing causes and narratives, according to OpenTheBooks.com’s report on a recent investigation.

The public spending watchdog group reported on an investigation by the National Association of Scholars (NAS) concluding that the 11 Middle East Studies Centers, which receive federal funds, have “veered from their purpose, now pushing overtly anti-West ideologies focusing on social issues such as Islamophobia and immigration at the university level, and even pushing critical race theory to K–12 educators.” 

The 11 hosting universities identified by NAS are: Columbia University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Indiana University, New York University, University of Arizona, UCLA, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, and a UNC/Duke University partnership.

While there are 50 MESCs in universities nationwide, the 11 targeted for scrutiny by NAS are designated as National Resource Centers, which receive federal funds. The 11 centers each receive $260,000 in Title VI funding annually from the DOE, amounting to $2.9 million.

The MESCs were originally founded to study Middle Eastern politics, culture, and language, NAS recounted in a press release. “But our analyses and case studies demonstrate that Middle East centers have since shifted their focus to promoting left-wing ideologies,” asserts the conservative nonprofit.

The NAS report, “Hijacked: The Capture of America’s Middle East Studies Centers,” provides case studies in how the centers have shifted focus to become hotbeds of anti-Western activism. 

A Minnesota Gender Clinic Touts Treating Three-Year-Olds By Lincoln Brown


“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” – Isaac Newton

I have on several occasions wondered on these pages just how far out the Left will get before it passes the point of no return and into a Twilight Zone of its own making. A place where nothing makes sense, no rules apply, and even the laws of nature itself are subject to the whims of people. A place where the departure from reality is so drastic and complete that there is little if any hope of a return.

While we may not be getting to that point as a nation or on a global level, at least not yet, there are pockets where a parallel universe has collided with ours and exchanged shards of reality. At least I hope that is the case because if it is not, humanity has taken another step toward becoming irredeemable.

According to The Post Millennial, Angela Kade Goepferd, the director of the Gender Health Program at Minnesota Children’s Hospital, holds firm to the conviction that some children as young as age three are capable of determining that they are transgender.