Islamists Set Up ‘Sharia Neighborhoods’ in London Islamic hate preacher bombards neighborhoods in London with signs stating that they have become a ‘a Sharia-controlled zone.’ Islamists in Britain have set up zones where the Muslim Sharia law would be enforced, local media reported last week. The Daily Mail reported that some communities have been […] THIS IS WHAT HE SAID IN A PREVIOUS INTERVIEW IN 2008 Two states? 30,000 dead In a past interview in Yediot Acharonot, Jabotinsky blamed Oslo Accord architects Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin for making the security situation “500 times worse” and turning the Arab insurrection “from a struggle with rocks to war with […]
Obama: time for an apology Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: What should the President do Monday? I think Amilya Antonetti, Chairman & CEO of AMA Productions has it right. In a not-to-be-missed interview [1] with Neil Cavuto (h/t Instapundit [2]), she boiled it down to one word: “Apologize.” He should say […] Texas Gov. Rick Perry, elected to the Texas Legislature in 1984, came to be known as one of the “Pit Bulls,” who sat in the lower pit of the House Appropriations Committee and bitterly fought spending increases. In 1986, I was running the Texas Democratic Party primary, and in walked an attractive rancher who […] On Thursday, in honor of Barack Obama’s 50th birthday, the Dow dropped 10 points for every year he has walked among us. It was the ninth-largest drop in history. We should be relieved he wasn’t turning 80. The markets are apparently concerned that the entire global economy may be “stalling.” You don’t say? Observant […]
Solica Hatchouel, Jewish Martyr In Old Morocco THE IMAGE IS ON THE COVER OF ANDREW BOSTOM’S BOOK “THE LEGACY OF ISLAMIC ANTI-SEMITISM” AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SOL HATUEL IS DETAILED HERE: On her tomb in Fez, Morocco, beneath an elaborate Hebrew inscription, there is an epitaph in French for the martyred Mademoiselle […]
What? Gov’t Let Cartel Smuggle Drugs in Exchange for Intel? Posted By Bob Owens URL to article: A Sinaloa drug cartel member is claiming [1] that the federal government allowed the cartel to smuggle cocaine into the United States in exchange for intelligence information about rival cartels. Attorneys for Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla claim that […]
Anti-Semitism: The Same Old Lies Since 200 B.C. Posted By David Solway URL to article: When it comes to Israel and the Jews, the defamatory impulse never dies. The Iranians and their supporters claim there was no Holocaust. The Jews just made it up. Or if some magnanimously concede that the Holocaust did […]
Cannibals, Vampires and Terrorists– Oh My! Joe Biden has compared the Tea Party to terrorists. Maureen Dowd compared them to cannibals and vampires. Then having run out of mythical monsters, or monsters they believe are mythical, there was nothing to do but roll out a few more articles about the Republican Party being taken […]
Gore Unhinged! Loses it on skeptical claims: ‘It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!’ — Climate Depot Responds! Climate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal to Gore’s Highbrow Scientific Arguments By Marc Morano – Climate Depot Former Vice President Al Gore sounded a defeated tone and lamented the utter failure of the […]