Obama’s Two Financial Crises By Stanley Kurtz http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/273776 Why is Barack Obama president of the United States? Media coddling? A weak McCain campaign? A strong, if dishonest, effort by Obama to present himself as a pragmatic centrist? All of these things played a role, but the advent of the subprime crisis at the height of the […]
The Upside of the Downgrade Posted By Claudia Rosett URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/claudiarosett/the-upside-of-the-downgrade/ The good news — and yes, this part really is good news — is that Standard & Poor’s has finally reduced the spending bacchanal of the U.S. government to a sound bite that anyone can understand: S&P has downgraded America’s sovereign […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com ABE FOXMAN BREAKS INTO THE ISLAMOPHOBIA BUSINESS Somewhere there’s a universe where Abe Foxman is managing a pizza shop. Unfortunately this isn’t it. Instead Abe hopped out of his burrow to pen an op-ed in response to the Breivik shootings. The attacks in Norway seem to stem from a different source. They are the […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Friday Afternoon Roundup – BREIVIXPLOITATION MESSAGE RECEIVED Obama and the Democrats sent a message by refusing to accept any deal that would involve serious spending reform and a balanced budget. The message is that if you want those things, you’re going to have to vote them out first. Let’s see how much of the […]
http://news.yahoo.com/5-star-hotel-blockaded-gaza-amid-poverty-100708252.html NOTICE HOW IT’S ALL ISRAEL’S FAULT THAT THIS SHARIA COMPLIANT (NO DRINKS NO BABES IN THE POOL) LUXURY HOTEL IS A BUST?….RSK AL-SOUDANIA, Gaza Strip (AP) — The Gaza Strip’s first five-star hotel gleams with marble floors, five luxury restaurants and a breezy cafe overlooking the territory’s white sandy beaches and sparkling blue Mediterranean […]
It was an extraordinary day on the stock market. I watched the news at lunch time. The market fell quickly about 370 points. Then it climbed until the loss was down “only” 250 points. I went and prepared dinner for friends. They called around 3:30 when he was 5 minutes away. In the five minutes […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerkimball/2011/08/05/thank-you-president-obama/ “In the space of two years, you have done more damage to this economy — which means the future not only of this country but the rest of what you would disdain to call the civilized world — than any President in history. You are a poor man’s Jimmy Carter, a midget Herbert Hoover, […]
http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=232543 THIS IS POSITIVELY THE BEST COLUMN ON THOSE IDIOTIC ISRAELI “TENT” PROTESTS”….RSK The protests smack more of political frustration on the part of the opposition and its media cronies, than of genuine economic deprivation of the middle class With little political steam left in the “peace process,” the left-leaning opposition is looking desperately for […]
Click here: More Of The Same: Brooklyn College Common Reading A Year Later – Maggie’s Farm http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/17706-More-Of-The-Same-Brooklyn-College-Common-Reading-A-Year-Later.html WITHOUT PUBLIC EDUCATION , ESPECIALLY IN THIS ECONOMY, WE ARE DOOMED AND WHAT THEY ARE TEACHING IS APPALLING AND KESLER KEEPS FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT …BRAVO! Last year’s choice by my alma mater CUNY’s Brooklyn College of the […]
http://www.newsmax.com/PrintTemplate.aspx?nodeid=406299 Obama Wants $71,600 for Power Dinner By: Martin Gould The parties just keep coming for birthday-boy Barack Obama. After a Chicago fund-raiser the night before he turned 50 and a White House party on the big day, a third event is now planned for New York.This time it is high-powered movie mogul Harvey Weinstein […]