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Ruth King

Global Emissions Set Record as Attendees at Climate Summit Party On By Rick Moran


The climate hysterics chose the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh to hold their annual Conference of Parties meeting. They could have picked a city that didn’t have raw sewage flowing in the streets or that featured decent food and clean water.

I guess they’re giving us a preview of a world without fossil fuels.

As you might expect, even in a repressive Muslim country, there are pretty much non-stop parties with a record 600 registered fossil fuel lobbyists. I doubt that many attendees could give a damn what the Koran says about strong spirits when representatives from oil, gas, and coal companies are pouring.

USA Today:

The world is increasingly in agreement that climate change is real, dangerous and happening now – but that hasn’t yet translated into a global decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

Total fossil carbon dioxide emissions are expected to grow about 1% in 2022, a November report by Global Carbon Project published in the journal Earth System Science Data found. It’s being released in Egypt at the COP27 global climate change meeting.

The report projects a record amount of carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere this year: 36.6 billion tons from burning coal, oil and natural gas.

At the rate we’re burning carbon, the world is on track to blow by the maximum amount of CO2 the world can burn to keep temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, which is 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, very soon.

Saving America: Why Blaming President Trump Has Little to Do With the Path to Victory in 2024 By Gwendolyn Sims


Like many voters on Tuesday evening, I watched with a fluctuating mixture of guarded optimism, anticipated resignation, and angry ambivalence as the voting data rolled crawled in. Nearly five days later, we still don’t know the final outcomes of key races. After the disaster that was the 2020 election, how on earth did we end up here in 2022?

Some political pundits were quick to enthusiastically point at President Trump and his meddling in races as the reason for such lackluster GOP results on Nov. 8. While it’s hard to know for certain, Trump’s insertion of himself into races that were fairly in hand did tend to complicate matters by shifting the focus from the race to Trump himself. Truthfully, a lot of us Republican voters are tired of always having to spend our time and money defending Trump instead of showcasing the candidates and GOP policies. Let’s just say that Trump’s tact doesn’t seem to help our candidates in the long run.

And of course, Trump’s already still up to his old tricks, attacking fellow Republicans like Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis. Trump’s also teasing a yuge announcement at Mar-a-Lago on Nov. 15 despite the GOP’s current need to focus on the runoff race in Georgia. Will the former president delay his announcement and stop sucking the air out of every race? That remains to be unclear at this time.



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How Election Integrity Has Been Destroyed In Arizona (And Elsewhere) Patrick Wood


Because I live in Arizona, I have wondered and scratched my head as to why a fundamentally “red” state ends up with “blue” politicians. Such was the case during the 2020 election when Donald Trump was overwhelmingly popular and yet lost the state. Such is the case right now with the Governor’s race between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs. Now I know the answer.

Republicans seek voters, Democrats seek ballots.

This is so simple and obvious that it has escaped everyone’s attention, including mine. According to the article below, “when ballots are more important than votes – the election will always favor the former.”

Republican candidate Kari Lake has stumped throughout Arizona and won the hearts of our citizens. Her Democrat opponent, Katie Hobbs, has hidden herself from public exposure, refusing to even be seen with Lake on a stage or anywhere else. As a candidate, in fact, Hobbs could rightly be described as reclusive.

Here is the heart of matter: Lake is seeking voters while Hobbs is seeking ballots. The same could be said for the Senate race between Republican Blake Masters and Democrat Mark Kelly. Further, this is true across all major races in Arizona. Republicans seek voters while Democrats seek ballots.

What happened in Arizona? On election day, ballots were collected as many people voted in person. Mailed in and dropped off ballots were also collected. Next, the whole collection of ballots were brought to a central location (in each county). In Maricopa County, Sheriff’s deputies barricaded the counting facility and posted armed sentinels on the roof. The counting process was going to take a long time, they said. Days later, they are still not finished.

A Cold Winter for Europe: Blame Strategic Blindness by Burak Bekdil


In 2008, the “flawless democrat” Putin invaded Georgia. The West was shocked. Putin critics… were shocked that the West was shocked. In 2014, Putin invaded the Crimean Peninsula, sovereign Ukrainian territory. The West remained shocked. In February 2022, Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed parts of the sovereign state. Was the West still shocked? It should not have been.

Apparently the “flawless democrat” Putin is hoping to weaponize winter and force Europe to surrender, but giving in to the Kremlin would be disastrous.

The EastMed pipeline project was designed to improve Europe’s energy security by diversifying its routes and sources and providing direct interconnection to the production fields while reducing dependence on Russian gas supplies…. U.S. President Joe Biden stepped in with a historic strategic miscalculation that came with a strategic cost: appeasing NATO’s pro-Putin, part-time ally Turkey and jeopardizing Europe’s energy security.

Only a few weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Biden surprised the EastMed partners by abruptly withdrawing U.S. support for the pipeline, thereby effectively killing the project, preventing a diversified energy supply to Europe, and further assuring Putin’s energy blackmail against Europe.

The White House said the $6.7 billion project was antithetical to its “climate goals.” Biden presumably hopes no one will actually still be using fossil fuels by 2025, the date for the planned completion of the EastMed pipeline. The Biden administration also cited a supposed lack of economic and commercial viability, even though a 2019 study financed by the EU confirmed that “the EastMed Project is technically feasible, economically viable and commercially competitive.”

If the Europeans freeze this winter or must pay sky-high bills, they should drink a toast to the likes of Schroeder and Biden.

The story goes back to early 2000’s when German’s then Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder decided to develop strategic relations between Berlin and Moscow. He went so far as to offer partnership to Russia in EADS, a multinational European defense and aerospace powerhouse. In November 2004, Schroeder called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “flawless democrat.” Unsurprisingly, in 2004, Schroeder hailed Turkey’s Islamist autocrat, then prime minister (now president) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as a “great reformer.”

In Egypt, Climate Catastrophism as Usual Michael Kile


Another year, another United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) on how to persuade the bogeyman of our age, climate change (CC), to cease misbehaving. Time – and money – is running out yet again.

With more than 30,000 delegates attending this “watershed moment” – yes, over 30,000 — COP27 will be full of sound and fury, dire warnings, purveyors of dodgy carbon credits (including the UN’s own carbon offset platform), utopian fantasists and the usual crowd of jeremiahs, politicians and bureaucrats preaching “climate chaos”. Many will have form too, having spent years hyping the issue at every opportunity.

The event is being held in Sharm El Sheikh, a resort city located at the southern tip of Egypt’s South Sinai Protectorate. There has not been as much excitement there since the 1967 Six-Day War. The discovery of the Great Green Pyramid of Gaia a decade ago in the Ruba’ el-Khali (Empty Abode) also drew world attention to the region.

As the days turn into weeks, around midnight on the final day “transformative climate solutions”  could emerge from COP27’s so-called “innovation hubs”. If so, they will include demands for more climate finance. Yet many developed countries are themselves moving closer to recession (or worse) after joining the UN’s Race to Zero. Aptly named, given its ultimate destination is surely the Valley of the Jackals or the Tomb of Anubis.

That said, the Race to Zero is promising to deliver virtually everything on a green activist’s wish list: “A healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.” Led by “high-level champions” Mahmoud Mohieldin and Nigel Topping, it strives to “mobilize actors outside of national governments to join the Climate Ambition Alliance.”

First Lawsuit Filed in the U.S. to Stop Medical Professionals from Transing the Kids By Stacey Lennox


The Center for American Liberty (CAL), founded by attorney Harmeet Dhillon, announced the first U.S. lawsuit against medical personnel for providing medical and surgical gender transition services. Providers who prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and performed a double mastectomy on Chloe Cole when she was still a minor are named. Now, Cole is 18 years old and an outspoken detransitioner. She appears at rallies to end the medical and surgical gender transition of children.

On Thursday evening, Dhillon and Cole appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to announce the lawsuit. Cole explained how medical professionals treated her gender dysphoria and counseled her parents. Carlson explained how gender clinics that provide medical and surgical transition to children are starting to close. Vanderbilt University Medical Center suspended operations at its pediatric gender clinic after investigative journalism from Matt Walsh at The Daily Wire. In the U.K., the Tavistock gender clinic was closed after a lawsuit. Since the judgment, additional parents have filed lawsuits against the clinic. “Litigation stops mutilation,” Carlson emphasized.

Then, Carlson asked Cole why she was suing. She said, “It is a medical malpractice case. I want to hold the adults that put me in harm’s way accountable because, I mean, what happened to me is horrible. But also, it didn’t only happen to me. That’s the worst part.” As outspoken as Cole has been as a detransitioner, she knows the harassment and criticism she will face. You only need to look at her Twitter timeline or the comments on videos of her speaking to see the trans activists’ vitriol. Children are brave, strong, and celebrated when they come out as transgender. They get harassed, demeaned, and censored when they speak out about their regret or their journey back to living as their biological sex.

Chloe continued, “It’s happening to children all over the U.S., all over the West, and it’s spreading all over the world. I want to be able to create a precedent for other people who have been in my situation to find justice for themselves.” Cole told Carlson she started her transition at the age of 13. Carlson asked Cole if she believed the doctors when they told her she could become a boy. She said she did and that her parents believed them also.

DeSantis 2024? Think Again. By David Solway


It should be clear by this time that popularity has nothing to do with electability. Trump filled rally after rally in state after state with countless, full-house, full-stadium crowds, and such numbers do not lie. There really was a red wave in the midterms, but it was macro-engineered to a trickle, as should have been expected. The scam of  “malfunctioning” voting machines, the shortage of paper ballots, the tsunami of mail-in and late ballots, the temporary closing and slow-downs of polling stations, and so on would have been sufficient to determine an electoral result. 2020 was an early run for 2022, which in turn should be regarded as a template for 2024. I am absolutely sure that the Dems are now, even as we speak, preparing favorable ground for the next presidential election. As Stalin is reputed to have said, “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” To make Trump responsible for Democrat malfeasance is wholly misguided.

DeSantis is now the favorite among many Republican voters and almost all conservative commentators for the Party presidential nomination. Such passionate advocates seem to have missed two essential points:

In a rigged electoral system, no Republican candidate, not even DeSantis, can be expected to win a national election. DeSantis cruised to victory in Florida because, as governor of the state, he had the means and the authority to ensure a clean election. But he would be helpless against a massive crime organization, aka the Democrat Party, which effectively controls the electoral infrastructure, the physical apparatus, the paid loyalty of election workers, and the federal agencies that oversee the process. If the system is not repaired and made answerable to the people, there will never be a Republican president again.
Should DeSantis run in 2024 and lose — which is increasingly likely in the current adulterated circumstances — the sequel would be devastating. Florida would be at the mercy of the next gubernatorial race since DeSantis is a unique political figure and could not be readily replaced. Additionally, DeSantis himself would have become a kind of displaced person, neither an American president nor a state governor. An invaluable political talent would have been sacrificed to the untutored enthusiasm of his supporters. If the American republican experiment is now in dire straits, it would then be expeditiously destroyed. A slim hope will have become an utter disaster.

Trump has obviously made his mistakes. As Alicia Colon writes on American Thinker, “There is no question that Donald Trump is a flawed human being like most successful businessmen.” She goes on: “Whenever I read the complaints from Trump haters, it’s all about his personality, his tweets, his misogynism, his sexist remarks, blah, blah, blah. This is infantile, high school criticism that has no place in political punditry.” Similarly, as J.B. Shurk writes, everything that the establishment class “has fraudulently peddled against Trump—that he’s imperious, mercurial, uncouth, unworthy to hold office, a Russian spy, a warmonger, an insurrectionist, a ‘denier,’ a criminal—is nothing but an endless barrage of psychological warfare directed against MAGA voters.”

Trump’s flaws of character — and who is without them — do not alter the fact that Trump is an indomitable fighter and the most successful president in recent history. His ego is concomitant with his strength; the two cannot be separated. To turn against him now and indulge in gutter journalism, righteous schadenfreude, or in considerations of realpolitik largely because a number of his chosen endorsements succumbed to a corrupt and rigged electoral machine is a sign of conservative defeatism and, in some cases, of self-enamored mobbing. We were quite happy with his major and unprecedented policy successes: making America energy-independent, restoring the manufacturing base, revisiting trade deals to benefit American workers, creating a surge in employment and prosperity, laboring to put a stop to illegal immigration, appointing conservative judges, rebuilding a depleted military, and establishing renewed American pre-eminence on the international stage. Now we are ready to consign him to the golf course. How quickly gratitude turns to recrimination.

The FBI report we’ve long needed By Michael Letts


The actions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been questionable as of late under the leadership of Christopher Wray.

We could dive back into the way the bureau acted upon raiding former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this year.  But their actions go much deeper, with reports about surveillance and even spying on emails of private American citizens in the hopes of finding criminal activity.

There’s about to be a spotlight shining down on the FBI.  House Republicans have released a 1,000-page report that details just what’s wrong with the FBI, thanks to a number of former agents-turned-whistleblowers who detail just how bad things have gotten there.

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,” the report explains.  “The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.”

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee detail the report as “the first comprehensive accounting of the FBI’s problems to date, which undermine” its “fundamental law-enforcement mission.”

People could say this is a political move that will serve Republicans going into their elections, but that’s an easy dismissal when the report actually takes a look at something concrete: the problems within the bureau.

And there are problems.  They are hard to ignore.  A number of whistleblowers who understand the inner workings of the bureau’s office have noted that its leadership is “rotted at its core.”  They also seem to highlight what they call “a systematic culture of unaccountability,” consistently utilizing “rampant corruption, manipulation and abuse.”

The gist of the report explains how the bureau has been consistently biased against conservatives, investigating the actions of former president Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans with little to hold it back.  Not to mention the Bureau is out to “purge” employees who have even the faintest of conservative views, fearing they’ll have an effect on its direction.

Furthermore, the FBI is holding back the facts on the effectiveness of constitutional-carrying citizens.  These are people who have stopped a number of active shooter events.  However, the FBI’s “official” numbers aren’t nearly as high as what’s actually happening.

Ron’s Rules Eight reasons why the Florida governor had a big election night. Dave Seminara


On a disappointing night for Republicans, Governor Ron DeSantis crushed it in the free state of Florida, lapping his challenger, Congressman Charlie Crist, by close to 20 points. Before DeSantis’s emergence, Florida used to keep us wondering whether it would turn blue or red until the wee hours on Election Night or, in the case of the 2000 election, for weeks thereafter. But it was clear well before midnight on Tuesday that Florida had turned solid red. From Portsmouth to Puget Sound, Republicans interested in replicating DeSantis’s “win for the ages” should learn from these eight rules.

Stay on offense. Given the mainstream media’s leftward tilt, Republicans are often stuck playing defense. As president, Donald Trump called the media the “enemy of the people” but also seemed to crave their approval. DeSantis, by contrast, rewrote the Republican playbook by staying on offense virtually nonstop for four years. He refused to bend or apologize for anything he said or did, even when the media called him “DeathSantis” for keeping the state open during Covid or mischaracterized his Parental Rights in Education law (falsely smeared as “Don’t Say Gay”). As he said in his victory speech on Tuesday night, “We took the hits, we weathered the storms, but we stood our ground, we did not back down.”

Every week, or so it seemed, the governor took the fight to a new target: woke corporations like Disney, intransigent teachers’ unions, Big Tech, liberal judges and prosecutors who refused to follow the law, or “sanctuary-city” leaders who “embraced” illegal immigrants—as long as they didn’t settle in places like Martha’s Vineyard.

You can create your own majority with the right approach. When DeSantis took office, Democrats enjoyed a small voter-registration edge statewide, but now Republicans hold a commanding 300,000-voter lead. He undoubtedly won over some native Floridians, but probably the much bigger factor here was his effort to inspire like-minded conservatives to move to Florida from blue states. (And perhaps this helps explain, in part, why Gretchen Whitmer, Kathy Hochul, and other embattled liberal governors survived.) I moved to Florida from Oregon in 2019 to some degree because I admire DeSantis and his approach to governance, so I count myself a member of this movement.