Stop the Islamization of America: New Pamela Geller book shows how to defend America from the stealth jihad Stop the Islamization of America: A veteran freedom fighter pens groundbreaking guide to defending our nation An insightful and innovative new book offers the fruit of a veteran national activist’s years of experience fighting back against Islamic […] Yet another jihad mass murder at Fort Hood in Texas was narrowly averted last week, and its perpetrator, a Muslim soldier in the U.S. Army named Naser Abdo, was defiant. Accused of plotting to construct bombs and detonate them in a crowded restaurant full of soldiers from Fort Hood, Abdo admitted his guilt in […] U.K.: Muslim prison inmates believed to be planning “massive attack,” staff nearly lost control after Friday prayers The excuse du jour for the threat of violence is a desire for revenge after bin Laden’s death, though they weren’t exactly a group of pacifists up to that point, either. “Muslim Boys gang are ‘planning massive […]
Apocalyptic Thinking Leads to the Apocalypse By Ben Shapiro We were told over and over again that if America didn’t raise her debt-ceiling, the financial roof would come tumbling down about our ears. We were told that the consequences for our credit rating would be disastrous. We were told that the stock market would […]
China’s New Aircraft Carrier Program Regional Ambitions – or Global? by Taylor Dinerman China’s first aircraft carrier, named, according to reports, the Shi Yang after the Chinese Admiral who first conquered Taiwan, will sail soon on its first cruise. According to a Chinese Government spokesman, it will be used for “scientific research, experiment and […] Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Palestinian issue is not a primary Middle East concern. Pro-Western oil-producing Persian Gulf leaders are traumatized by the lethal Iranian nuclear threat, by a raging Arab street of their own and by a potential Iraqi earthquake in the aftermath of the U.S. troop withdrawal. The pro-Western Hashemite regime in […]
Russia’s Muddy Mediation in Libya Daniel Vajdic Last month President Obama called his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, to “discuss a range of bilateral and international issues,” according to the White House, and to formally back Moscow’s arbitration in Libya. Meeting with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov a day later in Washington, D.C., Obama reiterated […] As a youth, I was fascinated to read about the travels of Marco Polo who, in 1275, had journeyed from his home in Italy to distant China. That was no mean feat in the thirteenth century, even though Alexander the Great had taken his Greek army as far as the Punjab in India, fighting […]
Brothers at War: Israel and the Tragedy of the Altalena (New Orleans, LA: Quid Pro Books, 2011). MILCHEMET ACHIM!—Brothers at war!—is a subject that has preoccupied Jews throughout their literature and history, from the narratives of Cain and Abel, Joseph and his brothers, in Genesis, the mutiny of Korach against the authority of Moses in […] Israel to negotiate using 1967 lines, with mutually agreed swaps, if Palestinians accept two states, one Palestinian and one Jewish With the Palestinians set to seek recognition of statehood at the UN in just a number of weeks, Israel said Tuesday it would be willing to accept the 1967 lines as a framework for […]