Jeopardising Jordan ‘Jordan’s King Abdullah is clearly worried about the future direction of his country – if developments over recent weeks are any indication. His Majesty told the Washington Post on 16 June: “2011 will be, I think, a very bad year for peace, Although we will continue to try to bring both sides […] A disparity in power is not a disparity in morals. This truth is the dynamite under the edifice of the left which insists that the poor are more moral than the rich and that a nation’s moral worth can be measured in inverse proportion to its per capita income. The debate is not merely […] ACD’s Economic Warfare Institute (EWI) is dedicated to tracking and analyzing economic threats directed against the United States and other Western democracies. MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA ITEM 1: Lee Smith: Weakening Washington’s Middle East Influence Middle Eastern Upheavals EGYPT ITEM 2: BLOOMBERG: Egypt’s Brotherhood Tries to Reassure Investors With Pro-Business Stance […] Weakening Washington’s Middle East Influence Middle Eastern Upheavals by Lee Smith Middle East Quarterly Trailing the wave of revolutions that began sweeping through the Arabic-speaking Middle East this January, I recently traveled in the region, visiting some of the capitals where what we have come to call the “Arab Spring” has hit. In Cairo, […]
Tunisia: Women harassed on beaches, musicians expelled Wherever Sharia begins to take hold, and wherever its proponents become emboldened, similar patterns of behavior follow, whether in Tunisia, Aceh, Kashmir, or Tower Hamlets in London. Tolerance decreases, harassment increases, and basic civil liberties are threatened. More on this story. “Tunisian Secularists Fight Back,” by David […]
Radical Islam in Germany: The Convert as Missionary by Veli Sirin Abu Hamza, born a German named Pierre Vogel in 1978, is a very popular Islamist preacher in Germany. The former professional boxer became Muslim in 2001 and is now among the most influential German representatives of Saudi-originated Wahhabi fundamentalism, which masquerades as “Salafism.” […]
America’s Troubling Investment Gap By David Malpass and Stephen Moore In June, President Obama celebrated a rare sliver of good economic news: Foreign investment was up 49% last year over 2009. The president says that this boost in capital shipped to the U.S. by international companies or foreign investors leads to more businesses and […] Iran Is at War with Us Are we at war with Iran? ‘You can clearly see what they are doing in Iraq.” Sen. Lindsey Graham was talking about the Islamic Republic of Iran, specifically the death trade plied by the mullahs, their Revolutionary Guard Corps, their Hezbollah operatives, and the assorted jihadists under their […]
Time for tea, or, What would Wilkins Micawber think? Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.” — Wilkins Micawber What do you reckon Mr. Micawber would think of Barack […]
The Great Madness of 2004-10Posted By Victor Davis Hanson URL to article: The First Symptoms of Hatred—2004 to 2008 For about seven years the nation lost its collective mind — and was only partially coming-to in November 2010. During the years of insanity, Al Gore won both a Nobel Prize and an Academy […]