MICHAEL SANDOVAL http://www.nationalreview.com/primary-event Denver – If Amb. John Bolton decides to mount a campaign for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, foreign policy and national defense will clearly be a cornerstone in his bid. However, when asked point blank by Centennial Institute founder and event organizer John Andrews about a possible run, Bolton refrained from any […]
http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/36926#CurDomainURL#/blog.cfm AWOL Pvt. Abdo’s anti-Semitic Da’wa Rants Evident During Training PFC Nasar Jason Abdo AWOL 21 year old Pvt. Nasar Jason Abdo was arrested for his purchase of weapons and bomb making materials for an attempted Jihad attack at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. More has been revealed about Abdo’s aggressive proselytizing of his training […]
http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=231506 The greatest danger to Israeli democracy emanates from those masquerading as its champions. A great hue and cry has erupted recently in the wake of a number of parliamentary initiatives undertaken by what is usually characterized – pejoratively – as the “right-wing.”The purpose of these initiatives was to place mildly onerous constraints on the […]
Mini robot fires pencil-sized projectile to burn up, neutralize IEDs http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/geostrategy-direct/secure/2011/08_03/mi.asp? TEL AVIV — A state-owned firm is developing a robot designed to neutralize improvised explosive devices (IEDs).Rafael Advanced Defense Systems has reached an advanced stage in the development of its Pincher anti-IED robot. Executives said Rafael was meant to neutralize IEDs from a safe […]
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose – maybe THE CRABBE IS A DEAR PAL OF MINE WITH A GREAT BLOG….SEE: http://yeoldecrabb.wordpress.com/…GETTING OLDER BY THE MINUTE AND CRABBIER BY THE SECOND An old French adage posits the more things change, the more they are the same. But that’s not always true, historiographers, those who invent […]
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/07/hundreds-of-thousands-demonstrate-in-cairo-demand-islamic-state.html EGYPT IS NOW THE ARAB “SPRING’ BOARD FOR TERROR?….STAY TUNED ….MORE COMING ALL OVER AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST….RSK Hundreds of thousands demonstrate in Cairo, demand Islamic state Note the frequent use of “ultraconservatives” in this piece. Again, for AP, to be “ultraconservative” means to want Sharia, and to be “ultraconservative” means to resist […]
Muslim soldier who plotted new jihad mass murder at Fort Hood shouts “Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009” while leaving courtroom today http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/07/muslim-soldier-who-plotted-new-jihad-mass-murder-at-fort-hood-shouts-nidal-hasan-fort-hood-2009-whil.html Last year, Abdo condemned the Fort Hood jihad massacre: “Abdo’s words in court were a sharp contrast to an essay he wrote last year as the first anniversary of the Fort Hood shootings […]
http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2011/07/todays-debt-ceiling-votes-some.html?utm_source=The+Lid+List&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=a4d1e7bc73-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN Today’s Debt Ceiling Votes –Some Unanswered Questions Like most political junkies, I have spent most of this week closely following the debt ceiling debate. With the help with some contacts on the hill I gained a good insight into what happened and why it happened. Despite all the knowledge gained there are still so […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ THE TAO OF STUPID Sheila Jackson-Lee might be the dumbest person in congress. She might even be the dumbest person outside congress. If there were ever a global championship for idiots, the country could send her there. And leave her there; because unlike Lassie, she wouldn’t be able find her way back on her […]
The Media, Absurdity and Knee-Jerk Analysis; Equating the Norway bombing and the Latest Fort Hood Incident. http://letthemfight.blogspot.com/ The latest attempt by a self described, pious member of Islam has brought out the usual bevy of experts not only in psychology, but in religion as well. Typically, these “experts” have little to no actual experience in […]