PLEASE ALSO READ ABOUT RAHEEL RIZA’S VISIT TO ISRAEL: A MOSLEM WOMAN GOES TO ISRAEL AND LIKES WHAT SHE SAW: RAHEEL RIZA….SEE NOTE PLEASE “Europe is a simmering cauldron of problems stemming from immigration and settlement issues and if any good can come out of a massive human tragedy, it would be to ensure […] Huffington Post UK runs into “smears” accusations over Norwegian massacre An attempted ‘takedown piece’ by Charles Delalande for the Huffington Post has led to great embarrassment for Arianna’s British flagship.Less than a month after launching in the United Kingdom, the Huffington Post UK has blundered into a potentially damaging scandal after smearing right-wing writers […]
The 5 Biggest Lies Told about Oslo Shooter Anders Breivik Pajamas Media 5. We Can Blame Breivik’s Violence on Being Abandoned by His Father. Many male children survive being abandoned by their fathers very well. Some do not. Norway’s Anders Breivik shares a startling similarity to Australia’s Julian Assange. The two men possess a […] Clinton Slams House Foreign Aid Bill, Threatens Veto Secretary of State Clinton blasts proposed bill to limit foreign aid to Egypt, Lebanon, and the Palestinian Authority, threatens to veto. by Elad Benari U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is blasting a proposed House bill that would impose strict new requirements on U.S. foreign aid […]
Israelis performing Wagner in Germany a national disgrace OH PULEEZ! SPARE ME THE PIETY.!!! IN THE COURSE OF TWO DAYS I HAVE WATCHED TWO ISRAELI FILMS THAT GLORIFY THE ARAB CAUSE…..ONE VILIFIES THE ORTHODOX SETTLERS AS FANATICS WITH NO HEART FOR THE ARABS, THE OTHER SHOWS ARAB SWEETNESS COMPARED WITH ISRAELI MEANIES AND BIGOTS. […] It isn’t hard to find Jews who will identify with their enemies under the rubric of their allegiance to liberal thought. Recently, there was the holocaust survivor granny who had sailed on the first flotilla and re-enrolled for this year’s aborted cruise. She was concerned about the oppression of Palestinians in Gaza (high on […]
King Opens Third Committee on Homeland Security Hearing on Radicalization, Focusing on al Shabaab Washington, D.C. (Wednesday, July 27, 2011) – This morning, U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, convenes the hearing entitled “Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to […] Shortly after Turkey’s Islamist Prime Minister Recip Erdogan came to power in 2002, he began undermining Turkey’s strategic alliance with Israel. Erdogan officially ended the alliance last May when he sent the IHH, an al Qaeda-aligned, Turkish NGO affiliated with his Islamist AKP Party to lead the pro-Hamas flotilla to Gaza. Aboard the Mavi […]
Dear e-pals: Anyone who still ascribes the Norway massacre to Islamorealists must also blame Jodi Foster for Hinckley’s attempt to murder President Ronald Reagan…….see:,_Jr. Remember the MSM, when the Sabra/Shatilla murders in Lebanon were blamed on General Ariel Sharon (Israel’s now somnolent former P.M.) and the IDF? General Sharon sued TIME ragazine for libel […]
American Brotherhood Groups Exploit Norway Attacks The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) joins other U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organizations in exploiting the tragedy in Norway to try and separate Islam from terrorism. According to the MPAC statement: The Muslim Public Affairs Council strongly condemns the acts of violence in […]