I’m often asked by puzzled classmates why–after graduating from Harvard College with an economics degree and working at a distinguished think tank in Washington, D.C.–I now sport the U.S. Navy blue and gold and serve as an enlisted Aviation Structural Mechanic. My Harvard degree, they imply, entitles me to lead; someone in my position […] Funny – That Rifle Doesn’t Look Jewish! Here’s a photo that appears on an anti-Israel page on Facebook. It gives the impression of an IDF soldier stepping arrogantly and brutally on the chest of a Palestinian child while her distraught mother looks on. It’s attracted the usual often intemperate denunciations of Israel (and […] THE REAL BATTLE IS COMING Obama’s ratings keep on tumbling. The GOP debate had a good showing across the board. In a race where most voters are unhappy with the selection, the candidates that showed up were all credible. Ignoring Ron Paul who brought his usual “cranky and crazy” thing to the proceedings, the […] RELIGIOUS FREEDOM? WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Meet Obama’s new appointee to promote religious freedom around the world. Obama has announced the appointment of Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Al-Hibri (full name, Azizah Yahia Muhammad Toufiq al-Hibri) is a Muslim professor and the granddaughter of a […] Romney’s Religion Problem Sharia is not about private faith, but public institutions. Mitt Romney is said to be the early frontrunner in the GOP presidential sweepstakes. One rival, Newt Gingrich, is perceived as floundering in a swirl of unforced errors and staff insurrection. Yet when it comes to Islam, which will continue to matter […] LOS ANGELES, June 15, 2011–From the moment Anthony Weiner inadvertently tweeted a picture of his (redacted) to a barely legal coed, the majority of people (pretty much everybody except me) missed the entire point. First came the jokes. Then came a satirical hearing. Then came the music. Then came the movie. Then came the […] NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — At a congressional hearing here Friday, South Carolina officials slammed the Obama administration and the National Labor Relations Board for a federal lawsuit that could cost the state a new $750 million Boeing 787 jet assembly plant and thousands of jobs. Gov. Nikki Haley, who with 15 other GOP governors […] NEW ORLEANS — When ex-corporate chieftain Herman Cain told some 2,000 Republican officials and activists here that if he were president, the world would know that anyone who “messes with Israel messes with the United States,” the audience applauded while two tour-bus loads of youthful Ron Paul supporters booed. That triggered a counter reaction, […] As President Obama shifts increasingly into reelection mode, he is feeling persistent anger and discontent from the left as well as the right. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer was heckled and booed Friday at the annual Netroots Nation conference in Minnesota, a gathering of liberal activists from the online political community. When Mr. […] Industry lobbyists behind ‘scientific’ claims in IPCC press release The entire world will soon depend on renewable energy so governments ought to start subsidizing these industries immediately. So said the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in a report released Tuesday. The study’s conclusion was such a blockbuster that the panel issued […]