Alabama has suddenly become the leader in comprehensive immigration reform, passing up Arizona, whose laws have had so much news coverage. By large margins, the Alabama state legislature passed a bill, known as HB56, that covers most areas of abuses by illegal aliens. HB56 requires proof of citizenship or residency before voting, a giant […]
Lessons for Libya Combatants Knew What They Wanted, They Wanted Their Side To Win by Taylor Dinerman The June 3, 2011 vote in the US House of Representatives, (268-145), demanding that President Obama explain his policy towards the Civil War in Libya, embarrassed the administration, but did little to clarify NATO or US political […] Last week, Congressman Clyburn reached into his deck, discarded the queens, aces and jokers, and played the ‘Race Card’. “The fact of the matter is, the president’s problems are in large measure because of the color of his skin,” quoth Clyburn. Not the economy, an unwanted war or a politician who acts like a […] Afghanistan-bound Marines learn farming practices Jun 6 10:16 PM US/Eastern By GOSIA WOZNIACKA Associated Press FRESNO, Calif. (AP) – At a university farm in California’s crop-abundant Central Valley, a group of U.S. Marines trudged through muddy fields on Monday to learn how to tend pomegranate trees, a crop popular in war-torn Afghanistan where they […] Over the weekend, Drudge posted an alarming story from high on the page: “China Divests 97% of Holdings in US Treasury Bills.” What does that mean? I checked with financial hawkeye George Ford for his take. As I read it, there’s good news and bad news in his analysis (below). The good news […]
Back from Israel – by Guy Milliere Google translation; original article in French is at: “I returned to Europe, and I feel like returning to a vast insane asylum. I will return to Israel to find the truth. I can also be found in America, those who are neither Semitic nor useless idiots, volunteers […] Israel fulfilled its part in UN Resolution 242 when it returned 90% of the territories it gained lawfully in the Six-Day War in 1967 June 6, 2011 | Eli E. Hertz UN Security Council Resolution 242 adopted on November 22, 1967, is the cornerstone for what it calls “a just and lasting peace” that […] Sore Loser and the Sores Of Loss By Nurit Greenger Israel, is probably the country that needs to have the best Public Relations (PR) and Public Diplomacy-‘Hasbarah services,’ yet, to its dismay, it has failed in this field, rather miserably. The world likes when the underdog wins, or when the people who are the […]
Netanyahu won’t meet with visiting congressional delegation By Madeleine Morgenstern · June 6, 2011 WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not meet with a visiting congressional delegation visiting under J Street auspices. Jeremy Ben-Ami, who directs the self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” group, confirmed Monday that the prime minister and other senior government […],2506,L-4078698,00.html Syrian opposition: Anti-Israel rioters paid $1,000 Protestors at northern border promised $1,000 reward by Assad’s regime, Reform Party of Syria claims; Israeli officials: Damascus encouraged rioters. Syria says IDF killed 23 people, wounded 350; army says figures inflated Ynet Protestors for hire? Demonstrators along the Syria-Israel border were paid thousands of dollars by President […]