My father, Siamak Pourzand, committed suicide on Friday, April 29: he leaped from the 6th floor balcony of his modest and solitary apartment in Tehran as a final stand against an Iranian regime that did everything to break his spirit. No one in our family thinks of it as suicide so much as a […] FUNNY BUT THE ONE THING I DO AGREE WITH DR. KRAUTHAMMER IS HIS STATEMENT THAT PALIN (UNLIKE MICHELLE BACHMANN) HAS NOT SCHOOLED HERSELF AT ALL ON HISTORY, CHINA, NORTH KOREA, AFRICA, RUSSIA…BUT IS LIMITED TO FOLKSY AND DECIDEDLY PATRIOTIC SOUNDBITES….HOWEVER IT IS DR. KRAUTHAMMER’S SUPPORT OF THE GAZA WITHDRAWAL, THE 2 STATE DISSOLUTION, AND […]
Bashing Israel on Campus, from California to New York By Stella Paul Pop the champagne! It’s party time at the City University of New York (CUNY) for Israel-loathing professors. For years, they’ve gazed enviously at California, where academic anti-Semites can demonize and harass Jewish students to their hearts’ content, all at taxpayers’ expense. But […] It’s rare when you read a nonfiction book to be thrilled — truly thrilled — by it. Ben Shapiro’s Primetime Propaganda isn’t just thrilling, it’s deep, phenomenally insightful, and intelligent. Primetime Propaganda documents, in tremendous detail, how and why our culture is so screwed up, nihilistic, and alien to what most Americans want for […] Israel is pioneering innovative water technologies that will make it possible for the country to survive and thrive without rainfall A WOODEN STAFF and a little help from God were all Moses needed to draw water from a rock, but as the executive of an Israeli water company pointed out, he didn’t share the […]
Translating Jihad The following is a translation from an excerpt of Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s Fiqh al-Jihad, which was posted on Here al-Qaradawi defends the position of those he terms ‘moderates’ from attacks by ‘extremists’ who argue that moderates don’t accept offensive jihad. Al-Qaradawi argues that to the contrary moderates do accept offensive jihad, including […] Interview: “Islamo-Nazism in Egypt” My interview (go to link here [1], and then click play for ~8 minute interview) with Helen Glover of WHJJ Providence, RI, about the symbiotic relationship between Islam and Nazism in Egypt, and its focus on Johannes “Omar Amin” von Leers. The interview is a brief overview of themes developed […] As Arizona’s immigration law – SB 1070 – received overwhelming public support last year, Texas Governor Rick Perry attempted to thread a political needle by talking tough on immigration while asserting that a law similar to Arizona’s “would not be the right direction for Texas.” In a case of dramatic political theater, the Texas […] General Mladiæ: The Facts Srdja Trifkovic ANOTHER BLATANT EXAMPLE OF SELECTIVE HIGH DUDGEON…A TERRORIST THUG LIKE ARAFAT WITH A MUCH LONGER RAP SHEET OF TERROR WON A NOBEL PRIZE AND HIS ACOLYTE ABBAS IS A “PEACE PARTNER” BUT THERE IS NO UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THE SERBS FACED IN BOSNIA AND KOSOVO…..RSK The circumstances surrounding […] The arrest of Ratko Mladic has given the western media occasion to recall the Bosnian civil war of the early 1990s and the crimes for which Bosnian Serbs have been held responsible. But – since as a rule they did not report on it in the first place – it is unlikely that they […]