The Hamas/al Qaeda/Fatah axis One of the most significant reactions to the killing of Osama bin Laden came from the Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh. While much of the Arab world has been muted in its response or even guardedly welcomed the end of bin Laden – the Palestinian Authority spokesman, Ghassan Khatib, […] Embarrassed silence at British Foreign Office, European Union after Obama commits “war crime” over “targeted assassination” of bin Laden Britain and the EU have long slammed Israel for the targeted assassination of terrorist leaders. Logic dictates that they regard Barack Obama as a “war criminal” for having done the same to Osama bin Laden. […] LEE SMITH: THE SYRIAN CRISIS Now more than a month and a half after peaceful demonstrations kicked off in the small city of Deraa, the Syrian uprising gives the Obama administration another shot at getting history right. The first time was June 2009, when the people of Iran took to the streets to […] Hedegaard Show Trial in Denmark: “The real losers today are freedom of speech and Muslim women.” Posted By Andrew Bostom I learned of the horrific “honor” murder [1] of a 20-year-old Muslim young woman in Michigan by her pious Muslim stepfather, within a short time after receiving news of the profoundly disturbing turn of […] The Muslim Brotherhood Reveals Its Islamist Vision of Democracy Posted By Sami al-Abasi The grand question in Egypt’s upcoming elections is the new role of the major Islamist political factions — and whether they are really committed to playing by democratic rules. Chief among the Islamists is the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), an organization whose […] Americans have had a rude awakening. The military’s liquidation of Osama bin Laden a few days ago in a million-dollar, heavily secured compound close by a Pakistani military academy has brought home to many what had previously been understood by only a few: One of the nations officially deemed a key ally in the […] Iraqi Commentators Come to Blows Discussing the Legacy of Saddam Hussein
From Guantanamo to Abbottabad: JOHN YOO The bin Laden mission benefited greatly from Bush administration interrogation policies, but President Obama still prefers to kill, rather than capture, terrorists. This costs valuable intelligence. By John Yoo In the space of 40 minutes on Sunday night, two Navy SEAL teams descended on a compound in Abbottabad, […] Colin Firth is a fine, versatile actor. He is undoubtedly the best Mr. Darcy in all the movies made of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and is now set to play Avraham Stern, the intellectual and poet who became leader of the Jewish underground Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (LEHI), called the Stern […] ALSO APPEARS IN MAY ISSUE OF OUTPOST, THE PUBLICATION OF AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL Only now is it beginning to dawn on some elements in the media (mainly online websites) that the vaunted Arab spring is likely to prove a nuclear winter to Israel and the United States. Yet for those willing […]