Activists disrupt Obama fundraiser President laughs off antiwar hecklers protesting treatment of WikiLeaks figure KARA ROWLAND Bringing the plight of the accused WikiLeaks leaker to President Obama’s doorstep, a group of activists interrupted a high-dollar campaign fundraiser he was holding in San Francisco on Thursday to protest the administration’s treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning. […] Thursday, April 21, 2011 Rabid Injustice The MSM keeps on getting it wrong. About Europe, they are especially likely to get it wrong. Take this latest essay from The Weekly Standard concerning the recent elections in Finland and the meaning behind the rise of the True Finns Party in that thinly-populated country. First, some […] Whose Land is Palestine? Jews are “In Palestine as of Right and Not on Sufferance” Winston Churchill 1922 nice soothing words from Churchill….but he betrayed the Jews of Palestine by supporting the partition which deeded 82% of Palestine to the Arabs in what is now Jordan…..rsk 2 International law expert Professor Eugene V. Rostow, […] Havana – The 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion sought to oust Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime, but it failed within just 65 hours and became ‘the first great defeat of North American imperialism in Latin America,’ in Castro’s own words. Fifty years later, the same Cuban communist regime is still in power and celebrating its […]
Wimpy Warfare: Obama’s “Bay of Libya” Fiasco by Anna Mahjar-Barducci While the Cuban government marked the 50th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs’ fiasco with parades and marches, Cuban exiles gathered in an emotion-filled event in Miami to remember those who courageously died in combat during the U.S.-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. […] Where Daniels Stands, Not Where His Grandparents Came From If Daniels is going to run, he needs to clarify his views on America’s place in the world and, yes, its alliance with the State of Israel. But if they turn out to be more in line with those of Zogby, Tewfik, and the wags […] By Nurit Greenger The modern State of Israel is rather a peculiar state. It is the only Jewish state on Planet Earth. The first State of Israel was founded over 3,300 years ago on the hills of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish Nation, and the valleys surrounding the Holy city. Ancient Israel […]
Jewish, Not Arab, Roots in Judea and Samaria by Hillel Fendel WHY IS IT THAT WE NOW SAY BEIJING INSTEAD OF PEKING, MYANMAR INSTEAD OF BURMA, SRI LANKA INSTEAD OF CEYLON…BUT WILL NOT OPENLY CALL THE WEST BANK JUDEA AND SAMARIA…ITS RIGHTFUUL GEOGRAPHIC AND HISTORICAL NAMES?…..RSK U.S. Pres. Barack Obama’s demand that Israel not […] Sarah Honig Another Tack: A blessed (if belated) epiphany? “Does Ban expect Israel to encourage its citizens to fire rockets at Gaza from apartment house rooftops? Should Israel take special care to hit the back of one Gazan school bus with one anti-tank missile, inflicting fatal wounds on one single boy?That isn’t what’s seriously […] Andrea Mitchell, NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent, will no doubt be disappointed at the announcement. In good news for the American people but bad news for NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, a vice president for Comcast is now on the record saying that the cable giant is not negotiating to carry the terror TV channel […]