You Want A State? Go Cry for One in Your Non-alcoholic Beer Or close your eyes tight, wish real hard, and blow on a dandelion. Those could be your best chances of getting one. For, all tarted up though you Fatah and Palestinian Authority mandarins may be—with your “president” (he who apparently is in […] at March 26, 2011 By Andrea Levin The murders of the Fogel family, including three children stabbed to death in their beds, obviously posed a dilemma for the New York Times. Fixated as it is on a story line in which Israel, and especially Israeli settlers, bear central responsibility for ongoing tensions with the […]
NO POSTING UNTIL MARCH 29 Religious belief is emotional at its core. And emotions are not governed by logic or reason. Becoming religious is similar to imprinting, most dramatically seen in ducklings. During a critical period of time after hatching the ducklings become imprinted on any moving object—be it the mother duck, a mechanical duck, or a moving human. […]
Rebecca Bynum has written a thorough original and thought provoking book. The title is somewhat provocative “Allah is Dead- Why Islam Is Not a Religion”. Bynum’s goal, as stated immediately in her introduction is: In this book, I take a highly focused look at Islam and whether it should be calssified as a religion, let […]
The Sharia Catechism I must admit that when I first began studying Islam and its political manifestations, I found myself puzzled and put off by the sheer foreignness and apparent complexity of the issues—in much the same way that patriotic Americans who supported the free market and a free society felt when confronted (during […] The Audacity of Golf No-Change You Can Believe In! By the time you read this, President Obama will be taking a well-deserved break from the 54th hole of today’s scheduled golf game and the grueling responsibility of picking out his Final Four priority high-speed-rail projects on ESPN by relaxing on a beach in . […] So now we have a No Fly Zone resolution on Libya. And the man who ran for the Democratic nomination in 2008 as being the candidate who wouldn’t have gone into Iraq, is now running in 2012 as the candidate who will go into Libya. Hypocrisy is a beautiful beast and politics is a […] Instead of considering what murder says about Palestinian society, media have turned massacre of Fogel family into story about “settlements.” Over the past several years, a growing number of patriotic Israelis have begun to despair. We can’t stand up to the whole world, they say. At the end of the day, we will have […]
US should shun enforcing no fly zone in Libya Andrew G. Bostom President Obama has given an ultimatum to Col. Qaddafi: “accept an immediate ceasefire, pull back from Libyan rebel strongholds and permit humanitarian assistance – or face the full onslaught of UN-endorsed air strikes.” The aptly named (hat tip Diana West) American “Libya […]