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Ruth King

Arabs: Biden Emboldening Iran, Harming US Interests by Khaled Abu Toameh


“[T]his relationship [between the US and Saudi Arabia] should be based on reciprocity. If Washington is looking for its own interests, as with the Iran nuclear deal or the cancellation of the [Iranian-backed] Houthi group’s designation as a terrorist group, Saudi Arabia also has the right to seek its own interests….” — Rami Al-Khalifa, Syrian author, Elaph, October 12, 2022.

“Biden was the one who decided to pursue a hostile policy towards the [Arab] allies. He and his team were the ones who gave in to America’s enemies and went looking for nuclear agreements that are fraught with flaws and harm to many of America’s friends.” — Abdul Jalil Al-Saeid, Syrian author, Al-Ain, October 11, 2022.

The Arab League, for its part, condemned the Biden administration for waging a “negative campaign” against Saudi Arabia.

These reactions from the Arab countries indicate that the Arabs no longer see the US as a strategic ally or even as a friend. This is excellent news for the mullahs in Iran and their terrorist proxies in the Middle East, including Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Houthis in Yemen.

“In retrospect, I think that was a mistake,” Obama said, referring his total failure to help the Iranian protestors in 2009, when he sided with the regime…. He ended by noting that it was important “to affirm what they do and I hope that it brings about more space for the kind of civic conversation that over time can take the country down a better path.”

“Civic conversation”? With Iran’s savage regime? That’s it?

White House spokesman John Kirby gave the game away. “The president ,” he said, “still believes that a diplomatic way forward is the best way forward….”

It is not a secret, however, that a diplomatic way without a credible military threat to back it up is useless. Even soft-power advocate Joseph Nye, former Dean of the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, had to concede that, “to be realistic, soft power is never going to replace hard power.”

The Biden administration appears to be waiting until after the November mid-term elections, when Congress will be in recess for its Christmas holiday and therefore unable to block the deal.

So far, 50 “deeply concerned” members of Congress, mostly Democrats from Biden’s own party, have sent Biden a letter effectively opposing the deal.

The Saudis and their allies in the Gulf appear to be wondering why Biden is threatening them with “consequences” simply for trying to protect themselves from soon being annihilated by Iran, especially as it was the US that introduced the mortal threat against the Saudis — by granting Iran nuclear weapons with the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal — in the first place.

In [2015]… Obama revealingly let slip: “Even before taking office, I made clear that Iran would not be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon on my watch…” [Emphasis added.]

The new Iran deal, according to reports, also does not prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability, and would merely postpone the same disaster until after the Biden administration’s “watch.”

“[H]ow can we in good conscience,” Obama said in his July 2015 statement, “justify war before we’ve tested a diplomatic agreement that achieves our objectives; that has been agreed to by Iran.”

This diplomatic agreement has now been tested. It failed. That is why this or any agreement with Iran should be allowed to die a dignified death, especially during Congress’s Christmas recess.

The Saudis and other Arabs who were once considered America’s major allies in the Middle East have resumed their criticism of the Biden administration, accusing it of harming US interests and alienating Washington’s friends.

The criticism came after US President Joe Biden threatened that “there will be consequences” for US relations with Saudi Arabia after OPEC+ announced that it would cut its oil production target. It also came after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said a policy review of US-Saudi relations would be conducted in response to the OOEC+ announcement.

China Can Sneak-Attack Taiwan by Gordon G. Chang


Americans may not even know that China has struck the first blow until months after it has occurred… Americans think China’s war planners think like America’s war planners. Unfortunately, the Chinese ones do not. First strikes, despite what former intelligence officials believe, do not have to look like the invasion of Normandy in 1944.

Chinese doctrine is different, something evident from Unrestricted Warfare, the 1999 book by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, then two Chinese air force colonels.

So what would China’s first attack on Taiwan look like? Say, six months before an invasion China, violating the Biological Weapons Convention, could release a deadly pathogen on Taiwan.

China’s National Defense University, in the 2017 edition of the authoritative Science of Military Strategy, mentioned a new kind of biological warfare of “specific ethnic genetic attacks.” Pathogens can now be designed to infect specific groups and even specific individuals.

A regime monstrous enough to kill millions around the world [with COVID-19: the Chinese Communist Party pressured other countries to take arrivals from China without restriction while locking down Chinese territory] is surely monstrous enough to release, as the first act in a conflict, a disease on the 23.9 million people of Taiwan. It could take the Pentagon months to realize that China had started a war to annex the island republic.

I suspect Chinese ruler Xi Jinping would not be overly upset if Taiwan were a smoking radioactive slab as long as it were part of the People’s Republic of China.

“The biggest problem with the ‘China Hands’ of the U.S. intelligence community is their inability to place themselves into the mindset of the Communist Party and its Central Military Commission, in other words, to think like the enemy. There is still too much mirror-imaging going on…..” — James Fanell, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, to Gatestone, in response to the Culver report, October 2022.

Americans make assumptions about the Chinese style of warfare; some of those assumptions are almost certainly wrong.

The United States will have months of warning before China attacks Taiwan.

At least that is what John Culver, a retired CIA officer and now an Atlantic Council scholar, argues in a report issued this month by the influential Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus The sharper wits of Silicon Valley know that if the public sees their products as toxic extensions of left-wing groupthink, the majority of Americans will shun them. By Victor Davis Hanson


A shared theme in all dystopian explorations of future and current totalitarian regimes—whether China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or Cuba—is government control of all media information, fueled by electronic surveillance. 

A skeptical public learns to say one thing publicly but quite another privately. It nervously nods yes at the news while at work, but at home cynically assumes the opposite of whatever is publicly said to be true.  

RIP, First Amendment

Such electronic propaganda has sadly become characteristic of the world’s oldest consensual government. 

In America we once believed our First Amendment prevented a government monopoly on information. But in the age of globalization, the Internet, and social media, the state has become the enemy—not the protector—of free speech. 

One obvious sign is that the Biden Administration keeps trying to create new sorts of ministries of truth or “Disinformation Governance Boards.” It alleges such Orwellian censors must combat “disinformation” and “misinformation.” In fact, these bureaucracies are designed to criminalize unwanted free expression while also advancing state propaganda. 

Primary Care Institution Prioritizes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Medicine for Children By Nancy Andersen

While the U.S. faces a severe physician shortage, radical gender-affirming ideology attracts the attention of primary care medicine

Projections vary, but the consensus of any number of studies forecasts a significant physician shortage for the United States over the next decade.  A 2020 study predicted a total physician deficit of nearly 140,000 by 2030.  The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2021 report on physician supply and demand calculates that the U.S. population rate will grow by 10.8% with a potential shortage of 48,000 primary care doctors by 2034.  “Population growth and aging continue to have the greatest impact on demand growth,” concludes the AAMC.

Public health officials offer various solutions to this problem such as increasing the number of medical schools, recruiting foreign-trained doctors, and advancing telehealth technology.  Some medical schools and training programs pride themselves on primary care physician development, emphasizing programs in rural health and regional healthcare.

One such program is East Carolina University (ECU) and the Brody School of Medicine (BSoM) in North Carolina.  In 2018, 59% of the medical school graduating class at Brody matched in primary care residencies; in 2022, 61% of students matched into primary care.  BSoM graduates the 2nd highest number of physicians entering family practice in the country.  ECU has an Office of Generalist Programs, dedicated to “increasing the number of medical students entering primary care careers.”

Durham’s In-Your-Face Danchenko Gambit By Jack Cashill


In the larger drama we’ll call “Russiagate” Igor Danchenko gets nowhere near top billing. Even today, after his week-long trial, not one American out of ten could identify this FBI informant by name. Fewer still could tell you word one about the drama’s other walk-ons, Sergei Millian and Charles Dolan. Although the Democrats and major media are anxious to see all three of these minor players vanish into the ether, Special Counsel John Durham made future stars out of them all.

Danchenko was accused of lying to the FBI about his relationships with both Millian and Dolan. These are lies, said Durham’s co-counsel Michael Keilty in his opening statement that “the FBI should have uncovered but never did.” So saying, team Durham put Washington on notice. This trial was not really about Danchenko at all. It was about the FBI, the Department of Justice, and, finally, the Mueller investigation.

“The evidence in this trial will show that the Steele dossier would cause the FBI to engage in troubling conduct that would ultimately result in the extended surveillance of the United States Citizens,” said Keilty. That conduct, the trial revealed, included offering Christopher Steele what amounted to a million-dollar bribe to corroborate his infamous dossier, paying Danchenko to be a confidential human source (CHS) after he proved to be a serial liar, and basing a multi-year persecution of President Trump on information the FBI had every reason to believe was bunk.

The attempted bribe, revealed on Day One of the trial, should have stopped the presses. Specifically, Durham asked FBI supervisor Brian Auten what the FBI offered Steele for “corroborative information.” Said Auten, “Mr. Steele was offered anywhere up to a million dollars for any information, documentary, physical evidence, anything of that sort which could help to prove the allegations.”

This offer reeks of desperation. The FBI made it in early October 2016, two weeks before it filed its first FISA application against American businessman Carter Page. As Auten admitted, Steele did not and could not provide “anything.” Ever. Yet without any corroboration, the FBI went ahead and filed not just one but four FISA applications against Page with the unproven Steele information as its foundation — a clear violation of FISA law.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/exclusive-women-of-iran-throw-down-your-headscarves  Ruth King

When the French résistance was fighting the Nazis in 1940, the British and the Americans encouraged them with oratory but withheld any material help. This led the French to say “the British will fight the Nazis to the last drop of French blood.”

I hesitate to encourage the women to resist to the last drop of their blood, but I am dismayed by a number of stylish, well coiffed, décolleté and manicured “feminists” in America, including Iranian expatriates, who urge the courageous women of Iran to continue their bloody struggle against the regime in Iran without naming the real enemy….Sharia. It is like telling them to die in vain.

The poster-boy for the rebellion is Moussavi and he and his “reformist” wife, who dresses in hijab, utter not a single word of opposition to Sharia, the cruel, misogynist Islamic law that oppresses women and reduces them to the status of animal.

The women of Iran were led down this path before by their mothers and grandmothers who encouraged them to overthrow the Shah and plunged that nation into the repressive hell-hole ruled by the Ayatollahs.
Revolution cannot be successful if sacrifice brings more Islamic repression and degradation with another face and a new set of Ayatollahs. Their jail is Islam and changing the warden from one thug to another will not set them free.

Women of Iran:

Freedom is what I see daily in my supermarket…women in saris, in hijab, Orthodox Jewish women in wigs or headscarves, girls in miniskirts, girls with navel rings who live and play and love and pray without fear of “honor killings” or stoning or lashing or rape, or forced marriages even at the pre-puberty age of nine.

Freedom is not just the right to vote for candidates that are both sides of the same coin. It is the right to live without fear that your father or your brothers will murder you for committing adultery or apostasy or a perceived insult to the Prophet. It is the right to read books…porn if you choose….see movies from musicals to erotica….to dance and to kiss in public….to divorce or marry …to drive and to travel and to choose how and when and if you must wear that scarf, all with the protection of the state and not the religious dictates of the state.

In Iran, a New Generation is Prepared to Fight the Mullahs They’re unlike their predecessors. by Hugh Fitzgerald


The uproar, the girls and women ripping off and setting fire to their hijabs, the rage in the streets of 90 Iranian cities, show no signs of abating. The young people now leading these protests are different from the previous generation; they have lost that feeling of fear. They know that they have nothing more to lose by fighting against the only government they have ever known — the oppressive regime run by religious fanatics in Tehran. A report on the latest protests can be found here: “A barrier of fear has been broken in Iran. The regime may be at a point of no return,” by Jomana Karadsheh and Tamara Qiblawi, CNN, October 5, 2022:

A woman dressed in black raises a framed portrait of her son, Siavash Mahmoudi, in the air as she paces the sidewalk in Iran’s capital, Tehran. “I am not scared of anyone. They told me to be silent. I will not be,” the woman seen in a viral social media video yells, her voice fraught with emotion.

“I will carry my son’s picture everywhere. They killed him.”

Mahmoudi’s mother is among many Iranians who claim the regime tried to silence them as they mourned loved ones slain in ongoing nationwide demonstrations.

But Iran’s protesters, and their supporters, are defiant. For weeks [and now in its fourth week], a nationwide protest movement has relentlessly gathered momentum and appears to have blunted the government’s decades-old intimidation tactics. Slogans against the clerical leadership echo throughout the city. Videos of schoolgirls waving their headscarves in the air as they sing protest songs in classrooms have gone viral, as have images of protesters fighting back against members of the formidable paramilitary group Basij.

These are scenes previously believed to be unthinkable in Iran, where the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei rules with an iron fist. But experts say that these protests transcend Iran’s many social and ethnic divisions, breaking a decades-old barrier of fear and posing an unprecedented threat to the regime.

In Support of Kanye West by David Horowitz


Kanye West is one of the most important voices in the black community and a leading force in the battle to save our country from the onslaught of the Biden administration and the fascist Left. Despite the mountain of slanders directed at him in the last week, Kanye West is not an anti-Semite any more than Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Both are targets of the largest and most vicious witch-hunt in American history, directed by the Biden administration and its kept media.

This character-assassinating cabal will distort any statement and invent any lie to destroy its opposition and advance its campaign to create a one-party state. Nor is any hypocrisy too brazen or disgusting to advance their cause.

Thus, while they defame West with the charge of “anti-Semitism,” the vast mass of politicians, media attack dogs and empty-headed celebrities defaming Kanye are supporters of the Biden administration’s support for the Iranian Nazis and the Hamas terrorists who overtly and openly seek the destruction of the Jews.

‘From Hezbollah’: Bill Maher Calls Out Omar, Tlaib Over Antisemitic Comments: Harold Hutchison


HBO host Bill Maher called out Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan Friday night over antisemitic comments they posted on social media.

“I just want to read a few quotes from American congressmen, just to — congresspeople, rather, just to show that Kanye West’s comment is not really out of order with some things that are said by people in more official positions,” Maher said to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referring to the rapper and fashion mogul who received criticism over social media posts that some claimed were anti-Semitic.

Maher then read tweets from the two representatives. Both Omar and Tlaib are considered members of “The Squad,” a term used to describe several left-wing members of the House of Representatives.

As Midterms Loom, Voters Prefer GOP On Border Security, Support Building A Wall: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Americans overwhelmingly believe that the U.S. has a serious problem with controlling its southern border as a record flow of illegal immigration leaves many scratching their heads over whether immigration laws are enforced at all. With midterm elections just around the corner, which party has the edge on this key issue? According to October’s I&I/TIPP Poll, the answer is Republicans.

For October’s public opinion survey, I&I/TIPP asked voters a simple question: “Which party would do a better job of securing the border?”

More Americans picked the Republican Party (43%) over the Democratic Party (34%), the online poll of 1,376 adults taken from Oct. 5-7 showed. A hefty 23%, however, claimed they were “unsure.” The poll has a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points.

But as in other recent I&I/TIPP Polls, voters showed a sharp partisan split on the issue. It is, after all, one of the hot-button issues in congressional election campaigns across the country.

Among Democrats, 74% said their own donkey party would do the best job, while just 3% of Republicans and 16% of independents agreed.

Not surprisingly, the answers flip-flopped for Republicans, who by an overwhelming 91% said their own party is the best choice for securing the border, compared to 9% of Democrats and 38% of independents.

Note that independents give Republicans the nod by more than 2-to-1.