SHAUN WATERMAN: The latest edition of al Qaeda‘s online, English-language magazine includes an article offering an Islamic justification for extremists to steal from non-Muslims to finance their activities. Analysts say this shows that the U.S. and its allies are succeeding in drying up sources of terrorist funding. The five-page article in Inspire magazine was […] Thorny issues surface in Hu visit Human rights, yuan discussed amid toasts to cooperation By Stephen Dinan The closely structured pageantry of a state visit was unable to mask simmering issues between the United States and China on Wednesday, as President Obama prodded Chinese President Hu Jintao to revalue the Chinese currency, the yuan, […]
Defending the English Defense League By David Solway, FrontPageMag The EDL, or English Defense League, which vigorously opposes the advance of Islam into the cultural nexus of Western democracies, finds itself on the receiving end of the customary hysteria that greets every such attempt to defend a way of life we have too long […] Munich memories January 12, 2011 – 12:14 PM by David When I saw a news report Tuesday that Munich was one of the three cities that had officially entered a bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics, I could hardly believe my eyes. What was behind the thinking of the city officials behind the […] In “Golan: More Than Geography” (The Jerusalem Post, March 5, 1993), Shmuel Katz wrote of then-U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher’s first visit to the Golan Heights. He was taken on a study tour by helicopter and, apparently for the first time in his life, he was enabled to see the full extent of […]
Europe’s Muslim Lobby by Soeren Kern Europeans often fantasize about America’s so-called Jewish lobby, which they claim has a chokehold over American finance, media and politics and is responsible for all manner of conspiratorial evil. But few Europeans like to talk about the growing influence of Europe’s Muslim lobby, a conglomeration of hundreds of […] Why does Denmark prosecute truth tellers? Sir –I am extremely alarmed with the public prosecution of Lars Hedegaard, a leading Danish columnist, and MP and pastor Jesper Langballe, for alleged crimes of “hate speech.” Apart from the assault these prosecutions represent against a basic human right included in your constitution and the United Nations’ […] “Christie’s support for Islamists such as Qatanani and Mohammed betrays either naivete or calculation. Either is troubling.” THERE ARE TOWNS IN NJ …BAYONNE IS ONE, WHERE ARABIC IS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE SCHOOLS..RSK New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s nomination of Sohail Mohammed to be a state judge shows the governor’s tin ear for […]
Click here: Gaza Defender Hired To Teach Middle East At Brooklyn College – Maggie’s Farm Gaza Defender Hired To Teach Middle East At Brooklyn College A Brooklyn College Political Science graduate student enrolled in a Middle East course offered at Brooklyn College for this Spring. The newly hired adjunct professor for the course is […] and Oh how embarrassing for the Moonbatocracy! Steve Plaut For the past two weeks, the media and blogs from around the world have been screaming that Israeli troops murdered a young Palestinian woman “demonstrator” in the West Bank town of Bil’in. The town has long been the scene of violent attacks by leftist […]