A Global Terrorist Influence Posted By Erick Stakelbeck http://frontpagemag.com/2011/02/03/a-global-terrorist-influence/print/ This article is reprinted from CBN.com. Many analysts believe that the radical organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood will gain great influence with a change of government in Egypt. A closer examination of the secretive group provides insight as to why its possible climb to power […]
URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/02/03/short-lived-unity-in-israel-2/ Short-Lived Unity in Israel Posted By P. David Hornik Earlier this week Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly allowed about 800 Egyptian troops to deploy around Sharm el-Sheikh at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Some reports said Bedouin in the area—as part of the unrest now roiling Egypt—were challenging […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2011/02/03/barack-obama-and-the-muslim-brotherhood/ Barack Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood Posted By Robert Spencer Now that Barack Obama has given a green light to Muslim Brotherhood participation in a new Egyptian government, it is unlikely that the organization will be kept out of power. And since the Brotherhood is the largest and most ideologically committed group in Egyptian […]
http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/258759 So Who Lost Egypt? By Stephanie Gutmann To the long list of culprits I would like to add the mainstream media. As was the case with dictator and thief Yasser Arafat, whom the MSM found — shocker! — to be a dictator only after he died, the Western press has enabled the repressive regime […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2011/02/02/cairo-exclusive-interview-with-sandmonkey/ Cairo Exclusive: Interview with ‘Sandmonkey’ “Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled. sandmonkey.” [1] The man who wrote those words — the witty and courageous Egyptian blogger “Sandmonkey” — is currently in hiding in his native city of Cairo, moving from one friend’s apartment to […]
http://www.robinshepherdonline.com/western-folly-in-mideast-comes-home-to-roost-but-democracy-in-egypt-must-be-supported/#more-3760 HOW CAN ANYONE WATCHING THE PRIMITIVE RIOTING AND VIOLENCE IN EGYPT SPEAK OF DEMOCRACY?…WHEN DICTATORS HAVE CRUMBLED IN EUROPE…..PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SERBIA, ROMANIA….WE DID NOT SEE THE STREET RAGE AND BLOODSHED AND HYSTERIA AND CHAOS AMONG CIVILIANS…..STAY TUNED…..RSK Western folly in MidEast comes home to roost, but democracy in Egypt must be supported Here are […]
Arab Protests and IsraelBy Yoel Meltzer http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/02/arab_protests_and_israel.html Thus, before it’s too late, all right-wing and nationalist leaders should publicly declare that regardless of any changes in the Arab world, the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. One has absolutely no bearing on the other. With the recent dramatic events in Tunisia triggering public […]
http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2011/02/02/1500_year_old_church_found_in_israel/?rss_id=Boston.com+/+Boston+Globe+–+World+News 1,500-year-old church found in Israel Visitors view a mosaic in the archaeological site where an ancient church was found in Hirbet Madras, central Israel, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011. Israeli archaeologists say they have uncovered a 1,500-year-old church, including an unusually well-preserved mosaic floor with images of lions, foxes, fish and peacocks. According to Amir […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704698004576104320263685168.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_opinion By ERIC GIBSON Jerusalem Underground: Secrets of an Ancient City A new discovery links the City of David to the Temple Mount. ‘Jerusalem is all about water,” says Doron Spielman of the Ir David Foundation, which preserves and maintains the ancient biblical City of David. “If you can conserve, preserve the water, you can […]
http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/module/2011/2/3/main-feature/1/calling-david-ben-gurion Calling David Ben-Gurion By Yehudah Mirsky Times like these tend to remind us what a rare thing is great statesmanship. How many leaders are capable of wedding long-term vision with the nuts and bolts of politics and institutions, let alone an understanding of great historical forces with the will to shape them and the […]