Understanding the Middle East Crisis: Egypt ADRIAN MORGAN The Middle East is in crisis. Already Lebanon’s stable government has been overthrown by Hezbollah, who are funded by Iran and Syria. Currently, there have been some protests in Lebanon, but so far the nation has failed to fully bring back the “Cedars Revolution” that united […] Fear the Muslim Brotherhood At the Daily Beast, Bruce Riedel has posted[1] an essay called “Don’t fear Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood,” the classic, conventional-wisdom response to the crisis in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood is just fine, he’d have you believe, no need to worry. After all, the Brothers have even renounced violence! One might wonder […] After Tucson, Getting Involuntary Commitment Right Posted By Mike McDaniel please also read about this book: Madness in the streets :how psychiatry and the law abandoned the mentally ill by Rael Jean Isaac and Virginia Armat “If only” — fill in your favorite agency or person here — “had acted to deal with the […]
Home Protests in Egypt What are they really about? LEE SMITH It is not always a good thing when people go to the streets; indeed the history of revolutionary action shows that people go to the streets to shed blood more often than they do to demand democratic reforms. Perhaps it is an appetite for […]\ Forget Middle East Peace Talks: Are You Ready for Some Football!! Posted by Peter Schweizer Maybe it will be sports that finally brings peace to the Middle East. Here’s a heart-warming story about two teams in the Israeli Football League. We’re not talking European “football” here. This is the American smash-mouth variety. (The league […] Obama Czar John Holdren wants to ‘educate’ GOP on global warming — But it is Holdren who ‘desperately needs remedial climate science education!’ ‘It would be hard to find anyone less fit to ‘educate’ people about climate science in Washington than John Holdren’ (posted 7 hours, 6 minutes ago) Tags: arctic, ice, capandtrade, barack […]
The Middle East’s Intifada Posted By Robert Spencer URL to article: Now that the Muslim Brotherhood has begun talks with opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei to form a national unity government after the fall of Mubarak, which apparently all concerned expect to be imminent, the character of the Egyptian revolution has become clearer. Whether or […] Obama Loses the Middle East It’s no coincidence that major revolutions against Western backed governments have occurred under weak American presidents. The Iranian revolution against the Shah happened on Jimmy Carter’s watch. The current violence in Tunisia and Egypt is taking place under Obama. And the timing is quite interesting. Revolts which coincided with […] Two nominees again face Senate Obama appointed temporarily while Congress was in recess By Kara Rowland After calling for bipartisanship in his State of the Union address, President Obama chose to send back to the Senate two controversial nominees already blocked once by Republicans. Mr. Obama last year short-circuited messy confirmation battles for Dr. Donald Berwick, head […]
Jordan: In Bed With Islamists by Mudar Zahran THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD WORKS HAND IN GLOVE WITH THE GOVERNMENT AND THE KINGLET….AND THE JIHADISTS ARE JUST BIDING THEIR TIME BEFORE KINGIE AND QUEENIE HAVE TO LEAVE…..RSK “Still, the Jordanian government’s secret affair with the Islamists goes beyond the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2008, Muhammad al-Dahabi, the […]