BY VICTOR SHARPE— As if Israel does not suffer the slings and arrows from the Left and from many in the Democrat party, now Senator Rand Paul, who is a leader in the Tea Party movement which many of us support, has just announced that he is calling on the Obama Administration to end […] Many Egyptians are worried the religious organization Muslim Brotherhood will emerge as the new leader.”Egyptians don’t want the Muslim Brotherhood because they are religious extremists,” said Dorreya Khattab, a retired teacher who moved to the U.S. in 1975. She said the Brotherhood would usher in an Iranian-style regime run by clerics.Farhat’s husband, Hany Azmy, […] CLARE LOPEZ Observers following tumultuous events across the Middle East in recent days may find it confusing that Iranian leadership figures would be cheering for the protesters in the streets of Egypt, Tunisia, and elsewhere. After all, not only are most Iranians Shi’ite Muslims, while the majority of the angry crowds calling for the […] Gangs free militants, foreigners try to flee Egypt By HAMZA HENDAWI and MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press Hamza Hendawi And Maggie Michael, Associated Press – 33 mins ago CAIRO – Gangs of armed men attacked at least four jails across Egypt before dawn Sunday, helping to free hundreds of Muslim militants and thousands of other inmates as […] The strongmen will fall. And the media will act like it’s Romania in 1989, rather than just part of the cycle of coups in a system that cannot have anything better than tyrants of one sort or another. Eventually Islamists will come to power and wage war against us. It’s up to us whether […]
What Sauce Will Barack Obama Use When He Eats His Words? Posted By Roger Kimball For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing, if his ministers also he transformed as the ministers of righteousness . . . —2 Corinthians 11:14-15 Remember when Obama went to Cairo […] Moving on, I was initially not going to write about the so-called 400 Rabbis ad. What’s ridiculous about the 400 Rabbis ad is just how much attention it has received. The ad should have been ignored, instead it’s been talked up to death. Without the histrionics some conservative bloggers have engaged in, let’s cut […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – The Challenge of Challenger Today is the 25th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. It is an almost unremarked disaster. In his State of the Union address, Obama mentioned Sputnik, but not Challenger. He only briefly mentioned NASA, the agency that he effectively dismantled and turned into a global […]
Revolution in Egypt? I’m Pessimistic. Ever since 9/11, I’ve been skeptical of plans for what I consider to be overly rapid and naively optimistic American plans to democratize the Middle East. It’s not that I’m against democracy, or even against policies designed to encourage it over the long term. The problem is that what […] Who Is Charles Krauthammer? Posted By David Solway THANK GOODNESS AT LAST SOMEONE PUNCTURES THE KRAUTHAMMER MYTH….HE IS A SMUG AND SUPERCILIOUS COMMENTATOR ….RSK Charles Krauthammer has long been recognized as one of America’s most astute and authoritative political columnists, acknowledged as a cut above the majority of his scrivening colleagues. And yet there […]