QUEENIE BILLS HERSELF AS A PALARAB REFUGEE…IN FACT HER DADDY WAS A SUCCESSFUL DOCTOR IN KUWAIT WHO WAS BOOTED AFTER THE FIRST IRAQ WAR….SHE MARRIED THE PUDGY KINGLET AND HAS LED ANTI-ISRAEL DEMONSTRATIONS IN JORDAN…CLAD IN HER DESIGNER DUDS….IF THERE IS EVER A PALARAB “STATE” QUEENIE BETTER PACK HER MANOLOS AND ARMANIS BECAUSE PALARABS […] Rep. Allan West Talking Sense on PLO FlagAlana Goodman – In a press release this morning, Rep. Allan West asked why the PLO is allowed to fly its flag above its Washington office but Taiwan is not. “By allowing this flag to be flown, the United States is extending a diplomatic right that we […]
Flotilla Violence Was Self Defense, Panel Finds Interviews, audio and video tapes – including from the ship’s own closed-circuit cameras – prove that Israeli commandos acted in self defense when they stormed a ship trying to defy Israel’s blockade on Gaza, an investigation has found. The Turkel Commission report issued Sunday also found that […],8816,2044047,00.html There is a specter haunting the U.S. It is “one of the things that keeps me up at night,” Attorney General Eric Holder said last month. North Carolina Representative Sue Myrick, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, has warned President Obama that “there is no doubt” the problem has become “a global threat.” […]
Navi Pillay’s Cronyism The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights’ play to implement the Goldstone report. For more United Nations coverage see This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on The Weekly Standard. The world of U.N. human rights, best known for a human rights council with members like Libya, Saudi Arabia, and China, […] Moderate Replacement for Moderate Imam Rauf: “Public Apostates from Islam Should Be Jailed[1] By Andrew C. McCarthy Aaron Klein is the World Net Daily reporter and WABC radio host to whom Imam Feisal Rauf could not bring himself to admit Hamas is a terrorist organization, an episode I wrote about in a column[2] last […] Time Warner’s Two-Front Assault on Israel Posted By Moshe Phillips The Time-Warner media conglomerate has definitively started off 2011 with a bang. It launched a vicious two-front assault against Israel’s image using both its print flagship Time Magazine and its CNN TV cable news behemoth in January. The article “Israel’s Rightward Lurch Scares Some […] “We don’t want one single Jew in Palestine” At least Mahmoud Abbas is exceptionally honest when he says he will tolerate not one single Jew in his new country “Palestine.” He expressed his positions before journalists in Ramallah clearly and unmistakably: “We have already said completely openly, and it will stay that way: If […]
January 24, 2011 9:09 P.M. Islam and the State of the Union Don’t expect the president to tell the truth about Islamic doctrine tonight. ‘The state of our union is . . . denial — at least when it comes to Islam.” I’m not holding my breath waiting for President Obama, as denier-in-chief, to […]
The Palestinian Authority: Hypocricy, Lies and Double Talk by Khaled Abu Toameh Documents revealed by Al-Jazeera, the popular and influential Qatari-owned TV network, have reconfirmed the widely believed perception that the Palestinian Authority speaks in more than one voice. These documents expose the Palestinian leadership’s double standards and hypocrisy. They show that the Palestinian […]