A ‘Containment’ Policy for Islamist Expansionism Eric R. Staal http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8471/pub_detail.asp President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address stands as one of the most definitive speeches in 20th century US foreign policy. In unequivocal terms directed at inspiring international resistance against communism, Kennedy signaled an indefatigable will to stand alongside those who fought for their freedom on […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8466/pub_detail.asp Art, Courage–And Idiocy Subsidies For Silliness Aren’t a Right Ralph Peters Late last year, the “arts community” was outraged when our government-funded National Portrait Gallery removed a video from a gay-art exhibition after complaints from conservative members of Congress. Jack-booted storm-troopers didn’t close down the sprawling, silly show. Curators merely withdrew a short film that featured […]
The Bloomberg Syndrome When global sermonizing trumps local competence http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/257560 VICTOR DAVIS HANSON After the recent Tucson shootings, Pima County sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik, a Democrat, almost immediately and without evidence claimed that conservative anti-government speech had set off alleged killer Jared Lee Loughner. Yet the more the unfolding details informed us that the Communist […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/in-norway-an-awakening-to-the-islamist-danger/ In Norway, an Awakening to the Islamist Danger Posted By Hege Storhaug In terms of values, 2010 was a red-letter year for Norway. Our innocence was destroyed. From one end of the country to the other, and in no uncertain terms, Islamists proclaimed their sinister message. Henceforth, only those in deep denial will insist […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The Chinese Dragon and the American Eagle Countries most often destroy themselves by refusing to gauge the consequences of their actions. That blind spot creates a weakness. The bigger it gets, the more vulnerable the country becomes. America’s blind spot has been an unwillingness to recognize the economic cost of its social programs. American […]
http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/01/flying_the_terrorist_flag_in_w.html Flying the Terrorist Flag in Washington By Mark Cantora Sometimes a flag is not just a flag. In the current era of postmodern “whatever-ism,” symbolic gestures are largely understood as just that — a meaningless symbolic gesture. A low Presidential bow to a foreign sovereign is just a bow. The gift of an iPod […]
http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/01/king_abdicates.html King Abdicates By Pamela Geller Congressman Peter King (R-NY) told Politico Tuesday that in his upcoming hearings on radicalization among American Muslims, he was “not planning to call as witnesses such Muslim community critics as the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson and Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer, who have large followings among conservatives but […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704590704576091962633206964.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_MIDDLETopOpinion By JAMES TARANTO Palinoia, the Destroyer What’s behind the left’s deranged hatred. Why does their hatred of her burn so hot? Ask them, and they’ll most likely tell you: Because she’s a moron. But that is obviously false. To be sure, her skills at extemporaneous speaking leave much to be desired. But that can […]
http://www.jidaily.com/3Rzs Aux Armes A recent series of anti-Semitic attacks in Montreal hints at a new kind of internationally influenced hate crime in Quebec, a semi-autonomous province with a wave of Muslim immigrants By Allan Nadler | I cannot recall any Jews being particularly shaken by the familiar French Canadian ritual of throwing stones at synagogues […]
http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/module/2011/1/20/main-feature/1/a-zionist-whos-who A Zionist Who’s Who By Yehudah Mirsky IF THIS IS A WHO’S WHO HOW CAN MIRSKY OMIT MENTION OF ZEEV JABOTINSKY?……RSK The state of Israel, like the Zionist movement in all its forms—political, cultural, artistic, religious—was an astounding collective creation. The famous names are known: David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, Ahad Ha-Am, Abraham Isaac Kook, […]