Why does Denmark prosecute truth tellers? Sir –I am extremely alarmed with the public prosecution of Lars Hedegaard, a leading Danish columnist, and MP and pastor Jesper Langballe, for alleged crimes of “hate speech.” Apart from the assault these prosecutions represent against a basic human right included in your constitution and the United Nations’ […] “Christie’s support for Islamists such as Qatanani and Mohammed betrays either naivete or calculation. Either is troubling.” THERE ARE TOWNS IN NJ …BAYONNE IS ONE, WHERE ARABIC IS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE SCHOOLS..RSK New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s nomination of Sohail Mohammed to be a state judge shows the governor’s tin ear for […]
Click here: Gaza Defender Hired To Teach Middle East At Brooklyn College – Maggie’s Farm Gaza Defender Hired To Teach Middle East At Brooklyn College A Brooklyn College Political Science graduate student enrolled in a Middle East course offered at Brooklyn College for this Spring. The newly hired adjunct professor for the course is […] and Oh how embarrassing for the Moonbatocracy! Steve Plaut For the past two weeks, the media and blogs from around the world have been screaming that Israeli troops murdered a young Palestinian woman “demonstrator” in the West Bank town of Bil’in. The town has long been the scene of violent attacks by leftist […]
Commentary » Blog Archive » The Unraveling of Seymour Hersh The Unraveling of Seymour Hersh Peter Wehner, Commentary The New Yorker’s investigative reporter Seymour Hersh seems to be unraveling. According to a story posted on, in a speech in Doha, Qatar, Hersh delivered a rambling, conspiracy-laden diatribe here Monday expressing his disappointment […]
View Blog “Community” Has Nothing to Fear from “Radical” Hearings Jan 19 Written by: Diana West Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:21 AM Politico features a story today headlined “Muslim groups nervous about King hearings.” It goes on to discuss Muslim apprehension regarding upcoming Congressional hearings led by Rep. Peter King (R-NY) “on the threat posed […] Greens Lie, Africans Die Paul Driessen, Robert Novak THE MUSE OF JUNK SCIENCE RACHEL CARSON AND HER OUTRIGHT LIES ABOUT DDT HAVE CONDEMNED MILLIONS TO DEATH….RSK Fina’s little body shook for hours with teeth-chattering chills. The next day her torment worsened, as nausea and vomiting continued even after there was nothing left in her […]
Kevin D. Williamson Socialism Is Back ‘Socialism” is a word that has vexed thoughtful conservatives since 2008, along with the related terms “Marxist,” “radical,” and the whole nomenclature of leftish extremism. In his painstakingly documented book Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism, Stanley Kurtz dwells at great and profitable length […] Though Europe Rots, We Must Defend the West Posted By Alyssa A. Lappen Defending Lars Hedegaard’s right to free speech equals defending the right of Western civilization to survive. As editor, columnist, and Danish and International Free Press Society president, Hedegaard dares to exercise his right to criticize Islam as freely as one may […] Tunisia Meltdown By Marion DS Dreyfus In the wake of the president fleeing his country to escape the widespread “student’ riots,” Tunisia is not what it, until very recently, seemed. Who knew the Tunisians were so repressed? Wherever one went in the country, those Ben Ali banners were everywhere. When I was there in […]