WHAT AN EXAMPLE FOR AMERICAN PARENTS SICKENED BY THE MIS- EDUCATION OF THEIR KIDS IN ALL UNIVERSITIES…. Parents: We Won’t Send Our Children to Ben Gurion Uby Gil Ronen Follow Israel news on and . A public letter sent by parents of a student at Ben Gurion University is making the rounds on the […]
Copts Under Siege by Herbert I. London As the remorseless Joseph Stalin once noted, “the murder of one is a tragedy; the murder of millions, a statistic,” recently there have been random attacks on Christians in Egypt and the Middle East. On New Year’s Day a bombing took place in Alexandria at a Coptic […] MICHAELS: China-style dictatorship of climatologists NASA’s Hansen prefers rule by decree to fight ‘global warming’ By Patrick J. Michaels November’s election made it quite clear that the people of the United States do not want to radically change our society in the name of global warming. Pretty much every close House race went to […] House panel eyes reforms in U.N. New majority targets fundingBy Seth McLaughlin The new Republican majority in the House is poised to revive some old battles over the U.S. government‘s financial contribution to the United Nations, vowing once again to use the power of America’s purse to force what it calls needed reforms at […] The Long, Withdrawing Roar Christianity on the retreat in the Middle East. A few years ago I was in the West Bank with a Christian missionary who worked among Jews and Muslims. The Jewish converts came to his home for Sunday services that were held in both English and Hebrew. But to gather with […] Eurabia and the Recrudescence of Antisemitism Recently, Berlin-based journalist Benjamin Weinthal, a Fellow of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, observed, in an article entitled “Dangers of Ignoring the contrasts in Euro hatreds,” which appeared in last week’s Jewish Chronicle, that Eurabian Plights: A Scene in Brussels ‘It is now a commonplace in Europe […] “Politicians always seem to show up for the green energy ribbon-cuttings but somehow they manage to miss the plant closings. Evergreen Solar is indeed a “symbol”—of the folly of taxpayer green subsidies.” Not long ago, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick was calling Evergreen Solar a “symbol” of his state’s economic future. Symbolism would appear to […] Long before there was the Stuxnet computer worm there was the “Farewell” spy dossier. In 1980, a KGB officer named Vladimir Vetrov began passing secrets to French intelligence. Vetrov was in a position to know the names of a network of Soviet agents (known as Line X) involved in pilfering capitalist technologies, which is […] Homeland Security Scraps Border Fence WHAT ABOUT THE THREAT OF THE MEXICAN CARTEL WARS SPILLING INTO OUR NATION THRUGH THOSE SOUTHERN STATES?….RSK WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday ended a high-tech border fence project that cost taxpayers nearly $1 billion but did little to improve security. Congress ordered the high-tech fence along the […] Hu’s becoming first? Center for Security Policy | Jan 17, 2011 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. In one of the great comedic routines of all time, Abbott and Costello went round and round about a baseball player by the name of Who and which base he was on. As Chinese President Hu Jintao shows up to […]