Democracy Imperiled? Posted By Herbert London For a variety of reasons, Plato was suspicious of democracy. The idea of majority rule could lead to excesses that undermine the body politic, he noted. His alternative of rule by the intelligentsia is equally flawed in my judgment, but at the moment in which fractures in this […] Sudan: A nation driven apart by Muslim bigotry The likely partition of Sudan is a result of Islam’s increasing intolerance, writes Con Coughlin. George Clooney, the Hollywood actor who spends increasing amounts of his spare time playing the role of a globe-trotting peace activist, has hardly been able to contain his excitement over this […]
Hillary doubles down on Loughner as politically motivated Thomas Lifson Not content to have made a fool of herself by calling the clearly insane Jared Loughner an “extremist,” SecState Hillary Clinton has doubled down and averred that he “acted politically.” “Based on what I know, this is a criminal defendant who was in some […] WaPo’s inconvenient truth Leo Rennert Except for one glaring omission, Joel Greenberg’s dispatch in the Jan. 10 edition of the Washington Post about the demolition of the Shepherd Hotel near Jerusalem’s Old City is fairly unexceptional (“Israel — Contentious housing project moves ahead” page A11). That is, if you look at it as a […] The common denominator of this family is simply heartlessness, which comes as close as anything to explaining their dreadful indifference to what they so blithely espoused. BOOK REVIEW: Sister who embraced Stalinism By Martin Rubin IRREPRESSIBLE: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JESSICA MITFORD By Leslie Brody Counterpoint, $28, 403 pages, iIlustrated In the many […] EDITORIAL: Blood libel against Palin, Limbaugh Liberals stoop to new low, scramble to score points from murder THE FAUX OUTRAGE FROM SO CALLED JEWISH LEADERS ABOUT PALIN’S USE OF THE PHRASE “BLOOD LIBEL” IS SICKENING….DID THEY OBJECT TO THE USE OF THE WORD “GHETTO’ TO REPLACE THE WORD SLUM? THE REAL “GHETTOS” OF […] Clinton says Mideast faces disaster without reform GOOD FOR HER AND NOTICE SHE DID NOT WEAR A HEADSCARF IN ANY OF HER VISITS….BUT HER WARNINGS FALL ON DEAF EARS BECAUSE THE GREAT UNMENTIONABLE IS SHARIA LAW WHICH HAS OPPRESSED ALL ARAB COUNTRIES BUT HAS INCREASED IN ADHERENCE AND INFLUENCE…..RSK DOHA, Qatar – U.S. Secretary […]
Italy: Protection urged for journalist after suspected radical Muslim gunman targets his car “Since his book ‘Different and Divided – a Diary of Coexistence with Islam’ Rega has received threats in the Italian capital, Rome, and in Potenza including an envelope mailed to him with bullets inside. Bagnardi urged media not to under-report […] Mexico drug wars have killed 35,000 people in four years IN 2006 CALDERON DECLARED “WAR ON THE DRUG TRADE”…SINCE THEN 35,000 PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND THE WAR THREATENS TO SPILL INTO OUR SOUTHERN STATES…..RSK Report reveals the human cost of gangs’ narcotic trade since Calderón declared war in 2006 A total of 34,612 people […] The Arizona Shooting and Jihad: Immoral Equivalency?!Posted by Dr. Marc Weisman Rather than hold Muslims accountable for the heinous Islamist ideology that plagues their religion, Ms. Clinton gives the sick culture of global Jihad yet another pass by comparing them to a mentally deranged individual. Few noticed a disturbing and remarkable comment made by […]