The CBO’s Fuzzy ObamaCare Math Of course raising taxes and slashing Medicare will make the deficit look smaller. Defenders of ObamaCare have seized upon a Jan. 6 letter from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to House Speaker John Boehner alleging that repeal would “increase the deficit.” Don’t be bamboozled. When big spenders call for […]
ObamaCare’s Reality Deficit If you believe that a new entitlement saves money, you’ll believe anything. Of all the claims deployed in favor of ObamaCare, and there are many, the most preposterous is that a new open-ended entitlement will somehow reduce the budget deficit. Insure 32 million more people, and save money too! The even […]
“The real reasons of the massacres of Christians and Jews in the Middle East” by Fiamma Nirenstein published on Il Giornale , January 5, 2011 How can we stop the slaughter of Christians in the Islamic world, how can we prevent the next massacre in Iraq, Turkey, the Philippines, Nigeria, wherever Islamic groups may be? […] Subject of a Saudi dragnet for Zionist vultures? Beaky Buzzard, Zionist/Mossad Agent? Andrew G. Bostom Tuesday (1/4/11) the Saudi Arabian newspaper Al-Weeam, claimed a vulture, “R65” tagged with the words, “Tel Aviv University,” was detained as a Mossad spy. Donning a leg bracelet and transmitter, apparently placed by Israeli ornithologists evaluating bird migration patterns, […] On Sunday December 19, the self-proclaimed “Israeli human rights” group B’Tselem disseminated a shocking story to the local and international media. B’Tselem claimed that the previous day Palestinian shepherd Samir Bani Fadel was peacefully herding his sheep when he was set upon by a mob of Israeli settlers. He alleged that these kippah-clad Israelis […] Time and weather have conspired to etch cracks in its structure. The bronze patina that once shone a proud Marine Corps green has dulled to a dingy brown. Water damage has pried loose polished granite panels, and puddles gather at the base. In all — hardly the spit-and-polish shape one expects for a memorial […] The Language Police at Work Rita Kramer Political correctness has much to answer for in the state of the culture but seems to have hit a new high—or low, depending on one’s point of view—in the news that “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” has been found to be offensive because it actually uses the […]
From the Cold War to the Terror War Posted By Paul Kengor URL to article: Editor’s Note: The following interview with Dr. Jamie Glazov was conducted by Dr. Paul Kengor through the venue of “V&V Q&A,” an e-publication from The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. Kengor: Jamie Glazov, welcome to […]
Iberia and the Muslims — Down a Deadly Path By Eileen F. Toplansky Spain has become a major battlefield between the forces of tyranny and the forces of freedom. In September 2010, La Meca, a popular discotheque in Aguilas (Murcia), southern Spain had to “change its name and architectural design because of pressure from […]
Mayor Bloomberg: An Abject Failure By Pamela Geller New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg continues to confound and betray the very constituency that elected this increasingly dangerous apologist and tool of the global jihad. You can take the measure of a mayor by how he handles difficulty…like, say, snow. In New York City, it’s […]