Kevin Myers: Muslim girls are covertly prepared for forced marriage. Yet the feminists stay silent By Kevin Myers Thursday January 06 2011 YOU really can take your pick from the interconnected headlines of the past fortnight: the church-massacres of Christians in Egypt and Iraq by al-Qa’ida, and the murder of the governor of the […] January 7, 1959, marks a milestone in U.S. diplomatic history. Never before had the State Department extended diplomatic recognition to a Latin American government as quickly as they bestowed this benediction on Fidel Castro’s that day. At the time, Castro himself had yet to enter Havana. “Cuban mothers let me assure you that I […]
A Traveller’s Tall Tale – “Palestine lies between the Mediterranean Coast and the Jordan River”. This false advertising should be protested We’re becoming all too familiar with the fabrications that the so-called Palestinians (known as Arabs until Arafat’s clever rebranding of them) are the “indigenous people” of Israel, and that Jesus was a “Palestinian”. […] Friday, 7 January 2011 New Initiative to Combat Online Antisemitism to be Launched The following is a report by Adam Kamien, “Deconstructing a web of hate”, in the Australian Jewish News, 7 January 2010. The report was made available by Dr Andre Oboler (Director, Zionist Federation of Australia), originator of the new initiative. A new […] What would it cost to repeal ObamaCare? By Jennifer Rubin REP. PAUL RYAN IS A GOP STAR….HE HAS GONE MANO A MANO WITH THE PRESIDENT, WITH THE DEMOCRATIC LEAERSHIP AND THE CBO…..HE IS ONE OF THE GOP’S TOP LEGISLATORS….STAY TUNED…..RSK Democrats and liberal pundits have made the argument that repealing ObamaCare would be a […] A Banner Day For Junk Science . . . Corruption: A study debunking vaccines by a scientist in the pay of trial lawyers was found to be “an elaborate fraud.” Meanwhile, the “Great Garbage Patch” turned out to be a sea myth. Science has some explaining to do. Scientific inquiry, once perceived a noble […]
Islam’s Hijackers and Hijackees By Jonah Goldberg For years we’ve been hearing about how the peaceful religion of Islam has been hijacked by extremists. What if it’s the other way around? Worse, what if the peaceful hijackers are losing their bid to take over the religion? That certainly seems to be the case in […] The Other New Chicago Crony Chief of Staff By Michelle Malkin Fun fact: Bill Daley isn’t the only new chief of staff in the White House with longtime ties to the Chicago Way. Yep, it’s No Windy City Corporate Lawyer Left Behind Week in the nation’s capital. On the other side of the White […] Thursday, January 6, 2011 Son of Imam Blames Islam for Backwardness of Muslim World; Receives Death Threats A Muslim author living in Germany, the son of an Egyptian Imam, dares to criticize Islam, and other Muslims issue death threats. This on the heels of the governor of Punjab being killed for denouncing Pakistan’s blasphemy law, the same law that […] Iraqi Columnist Blames Alexandria Bombing on Fatwa Issued by Saudi Sheikh This Iraqi columnist finds a link between the bombing in Alexandria and the fatwa (link-Arabic) issued by Saudi Sheikh al-Barrak in March of 2009, which termed the Coptic Church in Egypt “kufar,” or infidels, for allegedly keeping captive a Coptic girl who had converted […]