Lieberman op-ed: We will not be Turkey’s punching bag “Recent outrageous remarks and events emanating from the country make it extremely hard for us to show restraint. We will react, as any other sovereign nation, to such insults and abuse.” Contrary to popular assertions, the current crisis with Turkey did not begin yesterday and […],1518,737676,00.html Riding the Wave of Islamophobia The German Geert Wilders By Jochen-Martin Gutsch A former member of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democrats has formed a party to attract voters enthralled by Thilo Sarrazin and disappointed by Germany’s existing parties. Berlin politician René Stadkewitz’s new Freedom Party aims to leverage fear of Islam for political ends. The 52 men and women meeting […]
On this historic day in our nation’s history, Congressman Allen West (R-FL)has been officially sworn in to the United States House of Representatives as a member of the 112th Congress. “I am humbled and honored to be a part of this historic body of Congress,” West said. “I have been given the trust of the constituents […]
Taboo and Fear Among Muslim Girls By Güner Balci,1518,737683,00.html Young Muslim women are often forced to lead double lives in Europe. They have sex in public restrooms and stuff mobile phones in their bras to hide their secret existences from strict families. They are often forbidden from visiting gynecologists or receiving sex ed. In the worst […] Obama Administration Undermines Israel Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld The United States’ withdrawal of its demand that Israel impose a second construction freeze in order to bring the Palestinian Authority (PA) back to the negotiation table does not necessarily indicate that the Obama Administration now sides with Israel. Moreover, America’s latest move will likely result in […] Exclusive: Free Isn’t Freedom Handouts to the Healthy Only Hurt Ralph Peters My childhood was spent in the hardscrabble world of Pennsylvania’s coal towns, where hard-working anthracite miners drove the economy. As my awareness of the world around me grew, from the 1950s into the early 1960s, I was struck again and again by the […]
Egyptian Ambassador on Anti-Christian Violence ‘Muslims Are Standing Side by Side with the Copts’ Coptic Christians are celebrating Christmas in Germany under police protection this year amid fears of attacks by Muslim extremists. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, Egypt’s ambassador in Berlin criticizes the German reaction to the New Year’s Day terror attack in Alexandria […] EDITORIAL: Light-bulb banning begins Left-coast and European bureaucrats are grabbing incandescents The cost of illuminating your home is about to go up significantly. Most Americans take for granted that when they flip a switch, darkness immediately gives way to a warm, natural light. That’s no longer possible in California, where a regulation that took […] EDITORIAL: Islam’s blasphemy murders Government execution in the name of Allah is a form of terrorism The Obama administration has declared a “struggle against violent extremism,” but it has little to say when it comes to extremism practiced by governments. Blasphemy laws in Pakistan and Afghanistan are being used to sanction judicial murder in […] By Scott Stewart When one considers all of the people and places in the West targeted by transnational jihadists over the past few years, iconic targets such as New York’s Times Square, the London Metro and the Eiffel Tower come to mind. There are also certain target sets such as airlines and subways that […]