It’s Time to Bow to the Flying Global Warming Monster It’s impossible to open a magazine on any topic anymore without encountering a barrage of “tips” on how to live a greener life. Cooking magazines tell you how to carry on eco-friendly cooking. Computer magazines warn readers about the dangers of “vampire power” from […]
Muslim Christmas in Europe “Another Offense Is ‘Claiming God Has a Son.’” by Soeren Kern Europe’s Christmas and New Year holidays this year were overshadowed by widespread Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country — conflicts that reflected the growing influence of Islam thanks to mass immigration from Muslim countries, and an ominous sign […]
AFDI/SIOA Protest January 12: NYC helps organizers of Ground Zero mosque while banning Wal-Mart Calling all Infidel shoppers: the New York City Council is holding a hearing against Wal-Mart on January 12 at 49-51 Chambers Street at 12:45PM. AFDI/SIOA will be there to point out the City’s astounding inconsistency and hypocrisy in working to keep […] Jihad 101 Dear Member of the New Congress: A few things you need to know about the War Against the West. Last month, Americans celebrated the holidays without a terrorist attack on American soil. That should be a source of relief but not complacency. Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the Philippines were not so […]
UK embassy staff in Jerusalem charged with gun-running for Hamas, cat out of the bag for Britain’s MidEast diplomacy Friendly with dictatorships however vile, accommodating of an anti-Semitism that knows no parallel since Germany in the 1930s, and willfully contemptuous of Britain’s long term interests in the war against terrorism, UK foreign policy in […]
Obama’s Southern Sudan Policy By Rachel Ehrenfeld Southern Sudan’s mostly Christian population has been under genocidal attack from the Islamist-dominated North. Wikileaks has shed new light on the Obama administration’s diplomatic activities on this crisis. According to Wikileaks cables, in December 2009, the U.S. warned Sudan to stop transshipments of Iranian arms to Hamas […] High Morals A condescending moral double standard allows Western thinkers—notably Times foreign-affairs columnist Roger Cohen—to praise the Middle East’s worst regimes By Lee Smith | It is a peculiar fact that the region that produced so many of the doctrines that govern our moral life—from the Code of Hammurabi to the Hebrew Bible to […] Menachem M. Stern cites rule waiver for Sikhs, Muslim in lawsuit By Joe Gould – Staff writer Posted : Sunday Jan 2, 2011 9:06:04 EST A rabbi from Brooklyn, N.Y., is suing the Army over its “no-beard” policy, claiming the service violated his religious freedoms when it rejected him because he refuses to shave. […]
First they came for the Saturday people – the Egyptian Copts and why a one-state solution in the Middle East is not possible First they came for the Saturday people – the Egyptian Copts and why a one-state solution in the Middle East is not possible We are all probably now painfully aware of the […]
NRO — The Corner Competing Visions In “Palestine”[1] By Andrew C. McCarthy There is the U.S. dream, shared by delirious diplomats of both parties: “Two states living side-by-side in peace.” As Condi Rice told[2] Cal Thomas “[Y]ou can look at any opinion poll in the Palestinian territories and 70 percent of the people will say they’re […]