Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment Opponents of illegal immigration cannot claim to champion the rule of law and then propose policies that violate our Constitution. By JAMES C. HO A coalition of state legislators, motivated by concerns about illegal immigration, is expected to endorse state-level legislation today at the National Press Club in […] As new state attorneys general take office in the coming weeks, I expect an increase in the number of states challenging the law in court. By PAM BONDI Ms. Bondi is the attorney general of Florida. This week begins the inauguration and swearing-in ceremonies for newly elected officials all over the country. One thing […] Israel’s Stand Against Islamism Holds Posted By P. David Hornik NICE AND OPTIMISTIC BOOK BY SPYER, BUT ISRAEL’S GOVERNMENT INCLUDING THE FAUX HARDLINERS ARE PREPARED TO ENABLE A JIHADIST STATE IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA….RSK In his new book, The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict [1], Jonathan Spyer maintains that what was […] Duo’s Undoing Bloomberg, Schwarzenegger, and the perils of “pragmatism” ‘Unfortunately, partisan politics has immobilized Washington,” New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg told Time magazine in 2007. Bloomberg, according to Michael Grunwald’s cover story, was the diminutive half of a dynamic duo revolutionizing American politics. The other partner: California’s then-still-shiny governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Together, they […],1518,737493,00.html Global leaders have condemned the deadly New Year’s Day attack outside a Coptic Christian Church in Egypt that killed 21 people. On Monday, German editorialists call for greater protection for religious minorities living in the Arab country — and warn further attacks may be imminent. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned a deadly attack […]
Andrew C. McCarthy Another National-Security Flip-Flop The Obama Left has changed its mind about executive power. No sooner did Victor Davis Hanson compile a prodigious list of national-security flip-flops by the Obama Left (posted on the Corner under the title “If We Say It Is, It Is . . . ”[1]) than we learned […] EDITORIAL: When Muslims kill Christians Obama sweeps jihadist motives under the rug Radical Muslims detonated a car bomb outside a Coptic Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt, on Saturday, killing 21 and wounding many others. The White House condemned the attack as a “barbaric and heinous act” but – true to form – remained silent […] Community-service IG loses appeal of firing: By Ben Conery THIS IS POSITIVELY OUT OF THE HUGO CHAVEZ HANDBOOK….CHAVEZ WHOSE “REFORM” AGENDA PROMISED “ESPERANZA Y CAMBIO”….HOPE AND CHANGE INSTITUTED INSPECTOR GENERALS WHO WERE KNOWN AS “PUBLIC DEFENDERS”…TO MONITOR GOVERNMENT ABUSE OR CHICANERY….WHEN THEY GOT CLOSE TO EVIDENCE HE DISMISSED THEM WITHOUT NOTICE …RSK Sen. Charles […]
US-Syrian Relations: Rewards First; for Nothing, Later by Anna Mahjar-Barducci “Syria welcomes the appointment of new U.S. ambassador to Damascus” read, with some irony, the Israeli daily, Ha’aretz. The irony is that the appointment of Robert Ford, as the first United States ambassador to Syria in more than five years, can be seen as […]
Elected Iraq veterans see opportunities in new legislative session By Leo Shane III Fellow freshman committee member Florida Rep. Allen West, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, said he hopes to spearhead efforts to review the military’s rules of engagement in Afghanistan as soon as the new legislative session begins, calling some of the restrictions […]