Israel Acts Ignobly Towards Noble Energy By David Isaac The Arabs are always talking about driving the Jews into the sea. So it’s with delicious irony that Jews in Israel can now read about a discovery in that sea that could make them energy independent. A natural gas find 84 miles off Israel’s coast […]
Vulture in Saudi Custody Suspected as Mossad Agent by Gil Ronen Saudi Arabian security forces have captured a vulture that was carrying a global positioning satellite (GPS) transmitter and a ring etched with the words “Tel Aviv University.” They suspect the bird of spying for Israel, Maariv-NRG reported Tuesday. The GPS and ring were […] Obama under the Glare of WikiLeaks By Janet Levy A glaring, disinfecting light thrown on Obama’s duplicitous foreign policy. When queried about the release of secret U.S. diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs replied, “We should never be afraid of one guy who plopped down $35 and […] The Israeli Left was once an optimistic place. But that is no longer the case. It once promised peace and happiness. But that is no longer the case. Today the Left is marked by equal doses of doom and gloom, irrationality and delusion. It operates in a closed universe in which reality has no […]
Obama Sides With Fidel Castro & Hugo Chavez – Refuses To Recognize Legality Of Impeachment – Former Honduran President Zelaya OBAMA’S ALLIES IN THE CONDEMNATION OF DEMOCRACY IN HONDURAS WERE ORTEGA, CHAVEZ, AND FIDEL….NICE BUNCH….RSK WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Monday declared that the United States still considers Manuel Zelaya to be the president of […] Princes of the Petty After a dramatic election that saw Obama and his agenda go down in defeat, and the rise of a new Republican majority based in part on a strong grass roots movement with libertarian leanings, the media has remained surprisingly unwilling to discuss what really happened. It’s much easier to find […] Hugo Chavez, yanqui-hating dictator of Venezuela, will not accept Washington’s proposed emissary and has dared the United States to break diplomatic relations. It seems Ambassador-select Larry Palmer’s sin is that he did not applaud Chavez when he used his rubber-stamp parliament to perpetuate his dictatorial regime. The State Department’s limp-wristed response was to cancel […] Africa’s Top Flash Points in 2011 Security Challenges and Strategic Opportunities J.Peter Pham, PhD As has become customary with this column, this first piece of the year is dedicated to laying out what are likely to be the leading flash points on the African continent during 2011 in something of an approximate order of […],1518,737451-2,00.html Naked Bodies and a New Messiah Green Groups Try to Sex Up Climate Change The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere keeps going up and up, but public interest in climate change is sinking. Environmentalists are trying to come up with new ways to make the issue sexy. But shock tactics can backfire […] Imam Rauf’s Extremist Speaking Engagement Posted By Ryan Mauro Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque, is kicking off his nationwide speaking tour [1] at the Islamic Society of North America’s Diversity Forum Banquet [2] in Detroit on January 15. He will be speaking alongside extremists like Siraj Wahhaj and Zaid […]