Hate crimes across the state see 14 percent spike in 2009 By FREDRIC U. DICKER http://www.nypost.com/f/print/news/local/hate_crimes_across_the_state_see_aTb2p0FLRXbubYqUUlM3zO ALBANY – Hate crimes across New York State spiked 14 percent in 2009 led by an increase in attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions, state records released yesterday show. There were 683 hate crimes reported to police authorities across […]
Judaeophobia vs Islamophobia Posted By Phyllis Chesler http://frontpagemag.com/2010/12/31/judaeophobia-vs-islamophobia/print/ Although he was loyal to a Middle Eastern country, the American military hired him as an intelligence officer and translator anyway—partly because he knew an important Middle East language. Nevertheless, he was a poor choice. This man passed classified documents to “insurgents” in Iraq who were battling […]
December 30, 2010 http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/12/weeks_worth_of_stories_censore.html Week’s worth of stories censored by NY Times, Wash. Post Leo Rennert The following stories — in the span of a week — were widely disseminated. But none made it into the news pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post. It’s all too familiar pattern that points to […]
Can you imagine the following: On the eve of the Normandy Invasion, a defense department apparatchik or a member of Congress leaks the plans to the media? Impossible right? So here’s a hint to Israeli loud mouths who speak about the impending strike on Iran. Just shut up…Shush!
Not Even a Goldfish “But the president has now surpassed any (abstract) personal embarrassment and embarrassed the office of the presidency by his fawning congratulation—or “phoned-in fist bump,” as the Daily News deliciously puts it—to the Eagles’ owner Jeffrey Lurie for offering dog-slaughterer Michael Vick a “fresh start”“: http://badrachel.blogspot.com/2010/12/not-even-goldfish.html Baseball’s my game, not football . […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Friday Afternoon Roundup – Begging Your Pardon You can tell which Republican the media thinks is a threat by seeing whom they go after. Besides Sarah Palin, the current target seems to be Haley Barbour. The outrage de jour is over Barbour’s pardon for Gladys and Jamie Scott, two sisters who served as insiders […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/eric-holders-made-up-defense/ Eric Holder’s ‘Made-Up’ Defense Posted By J. Christian Adams Sometimes politicians make the mistake of listening to their staff at their own peril. Eric Holder is making that mistake when it comes to some of the biggest scandals on his watch, such as the dismissal of the voter intimidation case against the New Black […]
http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100069775/the-man-who-invented-global-warming/ I’m in Ireland this week and am not yet sure how close I’ll be to the internet. So to tide you over just in case here is a fascinating essay from Ishmael2009 (not his real name) on Sir Crispin Tickell is one of the chief architects of Man Made Global Warming’s towering cathedral of […]
“And may 2011 be the year we finally decide that enough is enough and resist this sly, soft, pernicious tyranny of the liberal-Left with all our power and might.” The most important book of 2010? http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100069795/the-most-important-book-of-2010/ Apologists for Karl Marx just love ‘The Spirit Level’ My final post of the year is not about Global […]
THE OTHER SENATOR FROM WASHINGTON IS PATTY MURRAY….THE COMBINED IQ OF TH LADIES IS LOWER THAN THEIR BODY TEMPERATURE….RSK http://blog.thenewstribune.com/military/2010/12/30/his-name-was-sean-and-he-died-for-his-country/ Family of fallen soldier warmed by letters, stung by politicians Posted By Adam Ashton on December 30, 2010 at 4:03 pm Share this The parents of a Yelm soldier killed in Afghanistan earlier this month […]