Spain Goes on Mosque-Building Spree Churches Forced to Close by Soeren Kern The city of Barcelona, widely known as a European Mecca of anti-clerical postmodernism, has agreed to build an official mega-mosque with a capacity for thousands of Muslim worshipers. The new structure would rival the massive Islamic Cultural Center in Madrid, currently the […]
Hello, I have edited and uploaded on YouTube a new video, which shows the horrendous situation that prevails in Poissonniers street, each Friday. This video was shot on Friday, December 10th, between 01:10 PM and 01:25 PM : Poissonniers street crosses Myrha street, in the 18th district of Paris, called “Barbès”. You will see […] The Christian Science Monitor – WikiLeaks cable reveals how a Brazilian ‘terrorist’ got a US visa last year By Stephen Bodzin, Correspondent WikiLeaks on Tuesday released a secret cable that reveals how a Brazilian ‘terrorist’ got a US visa last year. But the question remains: Did the move amount to a policy change by […]
Palestinians Draft UN Resolution Against Israeli Settlements Eli E. Hertz Calls for a freeze on Jewish construction in disputed Territories – while Arab construction, which far exceeds Jewish development, continues unfettered – are clearly biased.Arabs claim that Jewish settlements “change the status” of the Territories and represent a distortion of the Oslo Accords. The […]’The+U.S.+Will+Be+Transformed+into+an+Islamic+Republic’ Egyptian Journalist ‘Ata Abd Al-Aal: ‘The U.S. Will Be Transformed into an Islamic Republic’; The Most Important Place For the Future of Islam, After Mecca And Medina, is the U.S. In a recent TV interview, Egyptian journalist ‘Ata Abd Al-Aal, said that ultimately “the U.S. [will] be transformed into an Islamic republic.” Abd Al-Aal […] Jos is the capital city of Plateau state. Nigeria. Jos lies in a spit of land that juts up between the states of Bauchi and Kaduna, which were among 12 states which have passed Sharia law since 1999. A century of tin mining has brought migrants to the region, and unlike other states in […]
1. STOP IDENTITY THEFT!!! THE WORD “PALESTINIANS” NEVER MEANT EXCLUSIVELY ARABS WITH A LETHAL GRUDGE. THE INHABITANTS OF PALESTINE WERE JEWS AND ARABS…THE JERUSALEM POST WAN NAMED THE PALESTINIAN POST AND THE ISRAEL SYMPHONY WAS NAMED THE PALESTINIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. CALL THEM PALARABS….PERIOD. 2.STOP THE DISSOLUTION OF ISRAEL BY A THOUSAND CONCESSIONS: IT NEVER WAS […] Big Nannies of the Year God save us from more busybody bipartisanship in 2011. It was a nefarious year for nettlesome busybodies employed by the Nanny State. Here are the top power-grabbers of 2010 — those who just can’t leave us alone: New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg Two feet of snow paralyzed trains, […] The Ground Zero Mosque’s Imam: Now On Tour Posted By Ryan Mauro Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind Park51, has announced [1] a speaking tour, kicking off in Detroit on January 15. Due to death threats, none of the events will be public, but local media can ask questions. Get ready for it: His […] “It’s also definitive proof that the purveyors of this hokum are not doing real science. It’s one thing to credit a fairy tale to stimulate the imagination of young children. It’s another to use a fairy tale to enact socialist policies designed to give Washington bureaucrats more control over our lives and the economy. […]