EDITORIAL: Murder on the border Americans are dying because of White House inaction “Northern Mexico is descending into drug-fueled chaos and soon will join the list of the world’s ungovernable spaces. It’s a growing threat that reaches across the U.S. border through smuggling, illegal immigration, secondary crime and potential terrorist infiltration. If Mr. Obama […] SINGER: No proof man causes global warming Natural variation fits facts more closely By S. Fred Singer International climate negotiations collapsed in December 2009 in Copenhagen (soon dubbed “Flopnhagen”) – and the just-completed round in Cancun, Mexico, achieved little. Basically, the public no longer trusts the science being dispensed by the United Nations. Also, […] How’s That Religion of Peace Doing These Days? By Eileen F. Toplansky Only a few days remain until 2011 and still there is no end to Islamic hatred in the world. Christmas was celebrated in an unusual way in Indonesia this year. Since sharia forbids the construction of any new churches, hundreds of members […] Who’s Afraid of Israeli Democracy? Haven’t you heard, Israeli democracy is in danger. That’s the latest media talking point on Israel. And where is the threat to Israeli democracy coming from? From its democracy. Confused? That’s probably because you think that the word ‘democracy’ has something to do with the popular vote and the […] I end the year with a question and one last outrage. The U.N. believes about 1 million Afghans between the ages of 15 and 64 – roughly 8 percent of the population — are addicted to drugs. The publication Development Asia estimates 2 million Afghan addicts. Depending on whose figures you read next, some […]
How Not to Help Blacks Find Employment By Robert Weissberg “The federal government wants to ban employers from checking credit and criminal histories so as not to “unreasonably” disadvantage black job applicants “ As of November 2010, the overall unemployment rate for whites was 9.2%, but for African Americans it was 16.0%. Among those […] At a stroke, Medicare chief Donald Berwick has revived the “death panel” debate from two summers ago. Allow us to referee, because this topic has been badly distorted by the political process—and in a rational world, it wouldn’t be a political question at all. On Sunday, Robert Pear reported in the New York Times […] Israel-bashing always on the Arab mind! Shyam Bhatia in Sharm el-Sheikh In the Arab world, there is an age-old tradition of blaming Israel for almost everything that goes wrong. Some Arabs do it out of a genuine conviction that Israel is capable of spoiling or destroying anything it wants. Others blame Israel as […]
Calling foul on the peace process farce By Jennifer Rubin The New York Post editorial board offers this refreshing bit of candor: Cutting a peace deal with the Palestinians is “impossible” right now, Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Israeli diplomats on Sunday. No kidding. Anyone startled by such a statement obviously has been […]