Those aren’t lame ducks in session on Capitol Hill. They’re dead ducks, but like chickens that can still take a few steps once their necks are wrung, these dead ducks are flailing and flapping across the barnyard, leaving a trail of blood and gore. The Democrats of the 111th Congress, which can’t die soon […]
The Spanish Ham Lawsuit and Other Muslim Problems Hitting Iberia :Soeren Kern A high school teacher in southern Spain is being sued for child abuse by the parents of a Muslim student who claims that the teacher “defamed Islam” by talking about Spanish ham in class. The case is one of a growing list […] His Master’s Voice – From the NIF’s Mouth to the “Organ of Anglo-Jewry” Snow-bound in her igloo somewhere in the ice-covered rural landscape of the British Isles, this sun-loving Aussie gal wasn’t able to pick up her hard copy of last week’s Jewish Chronicle (17 December) until the lanes became passable. And what did […] Mukasey: Commute Pollard’s sentence to time served By GIL HOFFMAN AND JPOST.COM STAFF Former US A-G sends letter to Obama, says agent didn’t have motive to harm US; Pollard in poor health; not yet informed of PM’s request.Talkbacks (10) Former US attorney-general Michael Mukasey sent a letter to US President Barack Obama, released Wednesday, […] “The War on Terror is the hamhanded attempt by our civilization to keep the barbarian hordes back a little. Like most such historical attempts, it’s incompetent and futile. But the left is busy hammering holes in what few walls we have managed to put up. Sabotaging even our meager efforts to extend the life […]
Israel inside! Herzliya innovations run the Kindle By DAVID SHAMAH/ISRAEL21C 12/21/2010 12:34 Amazon had acquired the software, but needed the right technical design and platform. Enter the Israelis. Windows; ICQ (known today as AOL Chat); anti-virus software; cell phone technology… You name it, and Israel has had a hand in the development – if not […] Cable: Israel contradicted U.S. intel, predicted Hamas would overrun Gaza in 2007 LONDON — Israel, unlike its U.S. partner, proved correct in assessments that Hamas would overrun the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip. A U.S. State Department cable reported on a meeting between Israel’s domestic security chief and the American ambassador on the […] Who is Behind Seattle’s Anti-Israel Bus Campaign? FSM: Anti-Semitism Watch A news report from King-5 reported that in King County, Seatle, a bus poster campaign will commence on December 27. This campaign will showcase the slogan: “Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work.” The posters are the brainchild of a group called the […] Islam was Born Out of Child Abuse and Rape The Senate recently unanimously passed the awkwardly named “International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010“, which obligates the government to track child marriage rates globally and fund programs to reduce it in countries with a child marriage of over 40 percent. The […] Christmas Spirit and Islam Amil Imani “I would like to join the chorus of peace on earth and goodwill to men. Yet, deep in my soul, I find it my solemn duty to keep on sounding the alarm about the fire of Islam even at this poignant moment of Christmas. Peace on earth and […]