Sarah Palin’s Basic Instinct By Humberto Fontova “You [Sarah Palin] enjoy killing animals. What you did is heart-stoppingly disgusting … if I were picked to be the one to kill [an animal] in some kind of Lottery-from-Hell, I wouldn’t do a little dance of joy while I was slicing the animal apart.” (This is […] The Theft of Ground Zero By Pamela Geller The most egregious aspect of the Ground Zero mosque controversy is something that people don’t think or talk about: the incalculable theft involved in this second wave of the 9/11 attacks. These Islamic supremacists are grifting the system big time. And yet the biggest theft of […] Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims? Every time a Muslim terrorist is caught trying to kill Americans in the name of Islam, the media and the politicians immediately go on full alert over the threat of an “Islamophobic backlash” against Muslims. Right away city mayors, district attorneys, law enforcement officials, sensitivity trainers, school […] The Bush administration faced demands to limit missile defenses. We told Moscow no. By DOUGLAS J. FEITH President Obama’s pleas for quick Senate approval of New Start, his nuclear arms treaty with Russia, remind me of long days nine years ago in the Russian Defense Ministry—where I helped negotiate the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty […] By JOSé MARIA AZNAR Spain faces a critical economic situation. Along with Portugal, it is now at the center of Europe’s financial turmoil. Investors are assigning higher default risks to the Spanish government’s debt than at any point since Spain entered the euro zone. In the social sphere, the situation is distressing. The unemployment […],month.12,day.13,type.main-feature,css.print/module_detail.asp Christopher Hitchens’s Jewish Problem By Benjamin Kerstein The fact that Christopher Hitchens has a problem with the Jews has been an open secret for years. No one much likes to talk about it, and for various reasons his journalistic peers have remained silent on the subject. But it is nonetheless the case, and there […] History lessons are often incredibly simple. I used to know a man whose family were German aristocracy prior to World War II. They owned a number of large industries and estates. I asked him how many German people were true Nazis, and the answer he gave has stuck with me and guided my attitude […] PETER SCHWEIZER President Obama suffered a rebuke at the ballot box last month. But his presidency continues to shrink. There’s been the embarrassing release of WikiLeaks secret, the collapse of his Middle East policy, the unseemly push for the START treaty, and then the recruitment of a predecessor, Bill Clinton, to come to the […] Screwing the Right – the “Organ of Anglo-Jewry” “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – it’s time Anglo-Jewry realised that it’s no longer fighting Oswald Mosley and the BUF.”…….Amen!! rsk Early this month Brazil, its example soon followed by Argentina and Uruguay, announced its recognition of an independent State of Palestine, […] Time to reset Iran policy By Jennifer Rubin There’s a Woody Allen joke that reminds us that everything our mothers told us was good for us — milk, sun and red meat — isn’t, actually. After a week of feckless Iran diplomacy and discussion with some very smart Iran gurus, I’m thinking we need […]