Swedish jihad-martyrdom bomber studied in British university Feeding the hand that bites us. “Suicide bomber who killed himself in Stockholm terrorist blasts studied at British university,” from the Daily Mail, December 12: A suicide bomber who died in a terrorist bomb attack which rocked Stockholm city centre, is believed to be a graduate from […] Why Sweden? Why did Islamic jihadist Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly, the suicide bomber who killed himself on a major street in Stockholm on Saturday, decide to target Sweden, of all places — one of the most benign multiculturalist welfare states on a continent full of them? A A A For even though no one was […] “Holiday” and “Winter” are weasel words used by cultural appeasers who are too ashamed of their own culture to say what everybody knows to be true. That is, that most of us are celebrating Christmas. Maintaining Christmas is part of preserving the culture that gave us almost everything that we have worth keeping. The […] KOSOVO HAS ALWAYS BEEN PART OF SERBIA…..WHEN THERE WAS FAMINE IN ALBANIA THE SERBS INVITED STARVING ALBANIANS TO LIVE AND FARM IN ARABLE KOSOVO…..AND THIS IS THE OUTCOME…ANOTHER MUSLIM STATE ANNEXED BYALBANIAN CALIPHATE…..RSK PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — An independent exit poll is showing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci’s party leading in the Kosovo election. The […]
Obama’s Legal State Department Adviser: Impose Sharia Law on America Benyamin Solomon Read more: Obama’s pick as the legal State department adviser sees no wrong in imposing Sharia law, which is one of the most backwards set of fascist-like laws. This will also show detailed analysis on the radical Islamist threat and a little […]
The Strangest Antisemite of Them All: The Bizarre Case of Friedrich Nietzsche By Barry Rubin We depend on your contributions. To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card, click the Donate button in the upper-right hand corner of this page. To donate via check, make it out to “American Friends of IDC,” […] … It’s time to ‘man up’ and face a fact that most politicians know, but few care to admit. Posted by LaborUnionReport (Profile) Sunday, December 12th at 9:00AM EST With the exception of, perhaps, Texas governor Rick Perry, no public official wants to publicly admit an obvious fact: The United States of America will […] ASHURA CULMINATES WITH BEATING AND DRAWING BLOOD…INCLUDES CHILDREN….HORRIFIC AND BARBARIC….RSK Ashura in NY and Beyond: Burka Blockade on Park Avenue Ashura in New York…… scroll here for previous years of Ashura in NY and across the world. Gruesome. Park Avenue, NYC: “Fight oppression” — oh, the irony. On an otherwise quiet Sunday morning, imagine […] The UN’s 9/11 insult Next year, as New Yorkers observe the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the United Nations is planning a celebration. It’s perverse. It’s inexcusable. And it’s business as usual in Turtle Bay. September 2011, you see, also marks the 10th anniversary of the Durban Conference on Racism, a weeklong farce […]
Army star: Islam poses threat to U.S. | | Press & Sun-Bulletin Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin: Islam poses greatest threat to U.S.since 1776 Former Delta Force leader speaks in Owego Steve Reilly, OWEGO — Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin’s first words to an audience of about 300 on Friday […]