,0 Iranian authorities blame the Americans, British and Israe lis, supposedly working through the anti-regime group People’s Mujahedin, for Monday’s attacks on two nuclear scientists as well as a similar October assassination. A closer look, however, offers other perspectives. To start with, the manner of the attacks is not the style of the Mujahedin, who […]
For sale in ‘The 72 Virgins’ By BARRY RUBIN Gaza Strip’s new housing projects not intended to raise living standards, but to ensure regime’s survival and motivate revolutionary zeal. The Gaza Strip is doing well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to rule forever. Money is pouring in from Iran, Kuwait, the United […] Cables: Turkey greenlighted smuggling of nuke components to Iran LONDON — Israel has briefed at least one Western power on what was termed Turkish cooperation with nuclear shipments to Iran. A senior Israeli official said Iran has been smuggling nuclear weapons-related components through Turkey with the awareness of its prime minister, Recep Erdogan. “They […]
From: Lori Lowenthal Marcus Subject: prize for moral equivalency goes to the US IRS 12/11/10 We now have the mind-numbing IRS defense for delaying (almost a year now!) Z STREET’s application for tax exempt status. In a signed affidavit, an IRS official explains that there is no “Israel Special Policy,” instead it is a Terrorism […] Obama & Arab Imperialism Sunday, 12 December 2010 Have you ever asked yourselves why Barack Hussein Obama began his presidency by shocking America with his grandiose trip of apology and appeasement to ‘the Muslim world’? Did you ever ask yourselves where on earth he derived the notion that America is ‘one of the largest […] Child Rapists, Pedophiles and “Respect” Seventy-two percent of “southern Afghan males” believe “foreigners are disrespectful of their religion and culture.” Why is that percentage so low? — Don’t know what happened to Ann Marlowe, whose astute comments on Afghanistan, as noted in July, include the following: What we have in Afghanistan is a counterinsurgency […]
How far are we from this? Beyond Orwell: Islamo-Realism as Hate Speech in Denmark Posted By Andrew Bostom On December 12, 2010 When it comes to criticism of Islam, and its votaries, Europe’s doctrinaire Left has engendered a ruling political class whose legally sanctioned excesses now go beyond what Orwell wrote about the (mere) […] • MP Jesper Langballe: I Confess Danish Free Press Society 12 December 2010 By Jesper Langballe Danish MP Jesper Langballe pleads guilty of hate speech after being denied the right to prove his case. On December 3, 2010 the municipal court in Randers, Denmark found the Danish Member of Parliament Jesper Langballe (Danish People’s […] And Everybody I Know… If conservatives rally around the flag in times of crisis, liberals rally around the clique. Their assurance that they are right coming from three little words. “Everybody I Know.” The crazies clinging to their guns and religion might have voted for the Republicans, but everybody I know voted progressive. Some […] Stockholm Christmas Bombing FSM: Global Terror Alerts The two explosions that took place in the Swedish capital of Stockholm appear to have been failures. Two people received minor injuries, and the only person to have been killed in the second blast seems (fortunately) to have been the suicide attacker. The first blast emanated from […]