By Ian Johnston LONDON — It is a Sunday night in London’s East End and the self-styled “most hated man in Britain” is holding court, reveling in his vision of a Taliban victory over America and a world under Islamic Shariah law. The crowd of about 250 listens intently as Anjem Choudary issues […] There is little doubt west European governments are engaged in a form of social suicide. Rather than increased efforts to integrate Muslims into German society, to cite one example, German students will be taught about Islam. In a sense German educators will be engaged in proselytizing for Islam. The German state of Lower Saxony […] Regulation: A member of the Federal Communications Commission appears to want Washington in control of broadcast news. What a shame that people with such ideas are placed in positions of power. The FCC’s Michael Copps suggested last week that a “public value test” should determine who holds broadcast licenses for television and radio. Speaking […] “To reconnect American citizens to the fight we are in, we must go back to treating them like people, and the only safe way to do that in our airports is to profile everybody. Of course, we must pay heightened attention to people who come from and/or are traveling to Muslim lands. And, of […],css.print/pub_detail.asp By The Skin of Your Teeth Marilyn Penn If you weren’t sufficiently outraged by free college education provided by Wesleyan University for prisoners serving life sentences or heart transplants for murderers on death row, consider the case of John Ditullio whose lawyer has convinced the judge that the state should pay for […]
Bordering on Malicious Home The new Words Without Borders anthology of writing from the Middle East is marred by a key omission By Adam Kirsch | Tablet and Pen: Literary Landscapes From the Modern Middle East (W.W. Norton), a big, diverse new anthology spanning the years 1910-2010, is published under the auspices of Words Without […] THE CORONERS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT WILL CONTINUE TO REVIVE THE CADAVER…THEY HAVE BEEN AT IT SINCE THE ROGERS’ PLAN OF THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION….AND THE UN AND OBAMA WILL BLAME ISRAEL….STAY TUNED….RSK By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent 11:36PM GMT 07 Dec 2010US officials said they had given up on attempts to persuade Israel […] The commercial prelude to Christmas is in full swing, and as usual there’s a brisk trade in cards. I’ve been looking at some of the cards on offer from pro-Palestinian organisations and NGOs, and in those cases the images chosen are for maximum political impact. Obviously, for some of these bodies, the Yuletide season […] Al-Qaeda jihadists researching ways to evade airport security and murder “larger numbers of unbelievers and apostates” The moment that one of these bombs goes off on an airplane, the futility of the TSA’s new scan-and-grope procedures will be abundantly clear even to the thickest of the learned analysts. But will there then be a […] Connecticut Muslim arrested after buying bulletproof vest, wrote: “It’s a war out here and Satan’s soldiers are on the attack. So we must prepare ourselves!” Other stories on this made Waheed Islam sound like just another thug — they left out the “Satan’s soldiers” bit, which does suggest that he was something more, or […]