So now it’s cards on the table, the big lie exposed, all pretence over. After decades during which the peoples of Europe were told that the EU posed no threat to the sovereignty of member states, the European Council President Herman von Rompuy has finally stated that the real purpose of the EU is […] JOHN BOOT (Cool It 1hr 28min – Rated PG – Documentary Director: Ondi Timoner – – : “Cool It” is based upon the book of the same name and lectures by Bjorn Lomborg, the controversial author of “The Skeptical Environmentalist.” Award-winning filmmaker Ondi Timoner travels the world with Lomborg exploring the real facts and […] British government junior partners in amazing turnaround on Israel Don’t look now, but Israel has a new friend in Great Britain. Hitherto the most anti-Israeli political party in the country, the Liberal Democrats appear to have performed a volte face with Nick Clegg — the party’s leader and Deputy Prime Minister to David Cameron […]
Creeping Sharia Slides Over Britain by Soeren Kern Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys in Britain, according to new data released by the United Kingdom’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) — reflecting the growing influence there of Islam. The name Mohammed has overtaken Jack, which had topped the list for […] “Browner, a darling of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ environmental justice circles and the wife of a top energy lobbyist, is a dangerous woman whose ideological zeal has helped power the Democrats’ war on prosperity. Sunlight, as always, is the best disinfectant — and a much-needed monkey wrench in the Obama job-killing machine.” Energy czar […] The High Price of Journalism in Putin’s Russia Five of my colleagues at Novaya Gazeta have been murdered. No one has been brought to justice. By ELENA MILASHINA Moscow As a journalist for Russia’s leading independent newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, I have been lucky. For over a decade I’ve had the privilege to report extensively […] Can Anything Serious Happen in Cancun? The upcoming climate summit promises more proposals that ignore economic reality. By BJøRN LOMBORG This time a year ago, passionate climate activists told us that we had just weeks left to save the planet. The looming Copenhagen climate change summit in December 2009 was, they claimed, our “last […] Every season, it seems, brings another round of nuclear diplomacy with Iran. This fall promises to be no different; in the near future, if current projections hold, Washington and Tehran will sit down for new talks over the Islamic republic’s persistent quest for an atomic capability. But what is there to talk about, really? […] Germany rebuffs Obama on trade gap China shuns fixing imbalance By Patrice HillGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday rejected a U.S. proposal to try to cap global trade imbalances while the world’s other export powerhouse, China, shunned U.S. calls for speedier economic reform. In one-on-one meetings with the heads of the U.S.’s biggest nemeses […] “And then there is this: the parliamentary Left may be down and out, but the Left that dominates the Israeli judiciary, the media and the arts, the educational system and other large parts of the bureaucracy—that Left is another matter, and another story.” Usually, when Israelis speak of Left and Right, they are differentiating […]