Much distinguishes violent, economically struggling Third World nations from peaceful, prosperous ones, but an attachment to the Rule of Law is central. This idea goes back millennia and embodies two key elements. First, everybody, from King to peasant, is subject to the law. Second, disputes are adjudicated legally, not by recourse to violence, coercion […] by Ryan Mauro Stopping radical Islam in its tracks in the heartland. … On November 2, 70 percent of the citizens of Oklahoma voted for a ballot measure prohibiting judges from making rulings based on international law, including Sharia, only to be have their will blocked by a judge who issued a temporary restraining […]
Obama: Blaming Israel First Posted By P. David Hornik URL to article: “This kind of activity is never helpful when it comes to peace negotiations,” President Obama said [1] Tuesday at a press conference in Indonesia. He was referring to approvals issued in Israel this week to build 1300 homes in two East Jerusalem […] Pete Hegseth, a captain in the Army National Guard and executive director of Vets for Freedom, served in Iraq from 2005 to 2006 and will deploy to Afghanistan in 2011. He is currently a graduate student at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Why We Continue the Fight The challenge for this generation of […] The Real ‘Ugly American’ The ugly American still exists. Nowadays, however, he’s arrogant not about his country’s virtues but about his own. Posted By Bruce Bawer Setting: a moderately crowded subway car in Oslo, not long ago. Sitting near me is a wiry man with long, scraggly salt-and-pepper hair and beard. He’s wearing a […] The Hate Process Posted By P. David Hornik Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is reported [1] to have told Vice-President Joe Biden this week that “Israel has made enough efforts to reach a peace settlement [with the Palestinians] and has not received sufficient gestures in return.” If so, it was a great understatement. Palestinian […]
A WaPo reporter’s anti-Israeli bias stretches from Sderot to Jakarta Page Printed from: Leo Rennert When Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson did a stint as the paper’s Jerusalem correspondent, he earned a well-deserved and well-documented reputation for anti-Israel bias, shading and spinning his copy to portray Israel in the darkest of hues while swallowing […] 2010: The Year of the Republican Iraq Vet By Kieran Michael Lalor When the 112th Congress is sworn in, all eight Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans in the House will be Republicans. This scenario was impossible to imagine just four years ago, when Patrick Murphy (PA-8), a JAG officer with the Army’s 82nd Airborne, became […]
The Malicious Media Maligns Israel Page Printed from: Jared Feldschreiber The media do the public a great disservice by implying settlements are holding up the current stalled Israeli Palestinian peace talks. Let’s start with the word “settlement.” Do we even know what that means? Illegal East Jerusalem — Last time, I checked Jerusalem is […] 64-year-old father of 88 to now wed 18-year-old Ajman’s superdad aims to have 100 offspring by 2015 Rahman gets pension from the UAE Armed Forces, financial aid and other benefits such as free homes from the government. (SUPPLIED) UAE’s superdad is all set to tie the knot again, with the aim of hitting […]