WHAT THE ISRAELI LEFT MEANS BY THE WORD ‘FASCIST’ By: Steven Plaut Date: Wednesday, November 10 2010Israel’s radical left is obsessed with the word “fascist.” Israel is the only country in the Middle East where people vote andenjoy free speech, a free press, due process and habeas corpus, butnone of that makes any impression […] Obama’s Mideast Juggernaut Will Continue To Roll Victor Sharpe Posted Nov 10 2010 Even as political commentators speculate that the power of the Obama presidency has been severely curtailed as a result of the Republican victories in the House along with increased GOP representation in the Senate, the Obama/State Department juggernaut continues to grind […] An Alternative Road to a ‘Two-State Solution’ THERE ARE TWO STATES ON MANDATED PALESTINE…AND THE ENTIRE NOTION OF A TWO STATE SOLUTION IS SUICIDAL FOR ISRAEL AND THE WEST…..READ THIS ON SARAH PALIN AND THE PEACE PROCESSING BY TED BELMAN [I dealt with this subject also in Will President Palin end the futile […] More on ROE, COIN, Governance and Apathy I was brought into a thread started by a concerned citizen over the debacle in Afghanistan (the Pentagon really) and asked to put in my two cents. For what it is worth; here is what I shared: We can fully expect the Rules of Engagement to continue […] Why Islam Is Fractured Amil Imani Islam is fractured for a variety of reasons. A major problem with Islam is that there are as many different versions of Islam as there are Islamic pundits and there are legions of them. Another reason why Islam is fractured is that it is all things to all […] Eurabia Watch, November 10 Terrorism Arrests in France and Italy ITALY: 16 People Arrested, Links to Terrorism In Naples in southern Italy, states AKI News, 16 people who are mainly of North African origin were arrested yesterday (Tuesday, November 9), suspected of having links to a terrorist cell. The majority were Algerian, Moroccan or […] Whoops: Michelle Obama causes political flap in Indonesia by shaking hands with Muslim information minister This much of the most over-the-top, obsequious outreach effort in memory didn’t quite go as planned: As James Thurber once observed: “You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward.” Video of the […] In yet another indication of the increasing alienation of the political elites from the popular will, U.S. District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange on Monday granted a temporary restraining order blocking Oklahoma’s brand-new anti-Sharia law. Seventy percent of Oklahomans voted for the measure, but who cares? The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) argued that the […] Jews for Injustice Against Jews Tuesday, 9th November 2010 No sooner had the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper declared his principled stand in support of Israel and against anti-Jew bigotry – even at the expense of his country’s seat on the Security Council of the Club of Terror – than he was venomously attacked […] No Illegal-Alien Pilot Left Behind Obama administration lassitude enables would-be terrorists. Chalk up another Code Red Elmo moment for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. While Islamic terrorists groom suicide bombers starting in kindergarten, the grownups in charge of protecting America can’t seem to reach an elementary level of competence. The “good” news: Hindsight-driven […]