John C. Goodman What Can Republicans Do About Obamacare? Let it twist slowly, slowly in the wind. Everyone expects the new Republican House of Representatives will vote to repeal Obamacare. This move will probably be blocked in the Democrat-controlled Senate, however; and failing that, the president will use his veto pen to save the […] Massive Voting Fraud Reported in Massachusetts Posted By Martin Solomon …General Law chapter 54, section 65 prohibits within 150 feet of a polling location, among other things, the posting, exhibition, circulation, or distribution of material — including pasters, stickers, posters, cards, handbills, placards, pictures or circulars — intended to influence the action of the […]
“Nazism, Firearm Registration, and the Night of the Broken Glass” “Nazism, Firearm Registration, and the Night of the Broken Glass” David Kopel • November 9, 2010 6:12 pm Reichskristallnacht was 72 years ago. Stephen Halbrook’s 2009 article in the St. Thomas Law Review details the close connection between the disarmament of the German Jews and what […],7340,L-3981776,00.html Nobel laureates: Oppose Israel academic boycott ‘Academic and cultural boycott contradictory to principals of academic and scientific freedom, contradictory to principals of freedom of expression and research,’ 37 Nobel recipients from around world write in new petition Tomer Velmer Published: 11.09.10, 09:19 / Israel News Thirty-seven Nobel laureates from around the world signed a […] Canadian Premier says punished at UN for supporting Israel, but declares enemies of Israel enemies of us all There is a fascinating story this week from Canada whose prime minister, Stephen Harper, has said openly what many of us have long suspected about the costs to a country of supporting the Jewish state in […] Operation Fetal Position By Pamela Geller The latest news out of the U.K. is that airports are introducing a new “priority lane,” which helps air travelers avoid long security line for a fee of three or five pounds. But now airport security personnel are deliberately keeping lines long to make the priority lane (and […] THIS EDITORIAL IS RIGHT ON ISRAEL BUT PULEEZ…..INDONESIA HAS A TRADITION OF MODERATION AND SECULARISM? BUTCHERING 200,000 IN EAST TIMOR DOES NOT COUNT? AND INDONESIA HAS BEEN AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN FATWAS, HARRASSMENT OF CHRISTIANS…..RSK… JUST READA Smiling Obama Returns to Bloody Jakarta In recent weeks, Indonesia has endured a tsunami and volcanic […] By Ehud Yaari “It is, in fact, his reputation as a “moderate” that makes Yousef’s recent contribution both interesting and meaningful. He explains that Hamas’s dependence on Iran is not an accidental marriage of convenience, as is often claimed by other movement leaders, but an inevitable partnership based on the common aspiration for the […] EXCLUSIVE: AK Supervisers Union Cited For Improperly Campaigning Against Joe Miller by Dan Riehl After first receiving a tip from a reader regarding a warning issued against the Alaska Public Employee Supervisers Union for their improperly campaigning against Senate candidate Joe Miller, a call to Robert Pearson of Alaska’s Department of Administration produced a […] Five Reasons Unilateral Declaration of a Palestinian State Will Haunt the West Posted by Seth Mandel Talk of the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state has continued so consistently that it now constitutes an ever-present low hum in the background of any discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process.” President Obama is reportedly agreeing to […]