Obama’s Religion-of-Peace Policy Errors Posted By Robert Spencer http://frontpagemag.com/2010/11/08/obama%e2%80%99s-religion-of-peace-policy-errors/ This just in: Islam is a religion of peace. So said Barack Obama yet again on Sunday in India. Even though he was repeating conventional boilerplate that he has repeated many times in the past, and that the Bush Administration repeated before him, his statements in […]
UNRWA and the code of silence by Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky The Jerusalem Post November 8, 2010 http://www.romirowsky.com/8308/unrwa-code-of-silence One of the first rules of being an UNRWA official is omerta. Above all the code of silence means refusing to tell two truths. First is the truth about UNRWA. It is a key mechanism […]
http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/03/an_end_to_dependence_on_middle.html An End to Dependence on Middle East Oil By Janet Levy Over the last 40 years, the United States has become increasingly dependent on foreign oil and reluctant to develop domestic, fossil fuel resources. Today, America imports two-thirds of its oil at a cost of $300 billion per year, much of it from politically […]
http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2010/11/vienna-38-of-muslim-youth-think-hitler.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IslamInEurope+%28Islam+in+Europe%29 Vienna: 38% of Muslim youth think Hitler did a lot of good Vienna: 38% of Muslim youth think Hitler did a lot of good The Austrian Institute for Youth Culture Research recently polled 400 youth (16-19 years old) in Vienna on politics, antisemitism, sexuality and ring-wing radicalism. In addition they polled 80 Turkish and […]
Oslo: Iran ‘preparing Muslims for action’ http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2010/11/oslo-iran-preparing-muslims-for-action.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IslamInEurope+%28Islam+in+Europe%29 Iran finances mosques and sends imams to Norway. Here they preach hatred against the West. The aim is to prepare Norwegian Muslim ideological to carry out terror attacks, if they’ll be ordered to do so one day, a source told Norwegian broadcaster NRK. Saudi Arabia is not the […]
http://weaselzippers.us/2010/11/07/egyptian-child-preacher-a-child-must-be-raised-on-love-of-jihad-desire-to-be-martyr-for-allah/ Egyptian Child Preacher: “A Child Must Be Raised on Love of Jihad, Desire to be Martyr for Allah”… (click image for video on web page) Kids say darndest things Child-preacher Ammar Al-Rahma TV (Egypt) – October 8, 2010: A child must be raised on the love of Jihad, and on the desire to be […]
Published on The Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com) What’s So Great About America Andrew Ferguson November 15, 2010, Vol. 16, No. 09 Marco Rubio will have to write a new speech sooner or later, but he shouldn’t hurry up on our account. We still enjoy the one he’s been giving all year. He delivered it again to […]
Those Darn Israelis Are At It Again http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oneworldmanyopinions/message/51012 1. Scientists in Israel found that the brackish water, drilled from underground desert aquifers hundreds of feet deep, could be used to raise warm-water fish. The geothermal water, less than one-tenth as saline as sea water, free of pollutants, and a toasty 98 degrees on average, proves […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ God as Government Posted: 06 Nov 2010 06:41 PM PDT “In my own time governments have taken the place of people. They have also taken the place of God. Governments speak for people, dream for them, and determine absurdly their lives and deaths. This new worship of government… is a worship I lack. I […]
http://www.militarynewsnetwork.com/magazine.htm Monster Terror Truck A Yemen-based Al Qaeda group has published a magazine (Inspire) targeted to “lone-wolf” Al Qaeda wannabes living in Western (enemy) countries. One of the magazine’s more chilling features is an article titled The Ultimate Mowing Machine. The article describes how to outfit a standard pickup truck with steel blades and knives […]