Muslim Terror in the Skies: Exploding Dogs A cargo plane was targeted by terrorists who loaded two dogs up with explosives on a flight from Baghdad International Airport to Los Angeles. The dogs were discovered in a freight area at Baghdad airport, but because they were dead, they were never loaded aboard the plane. […] U.K.: Educational watchdog group Ofsted and Charity Commission accused of “whitewashing” reports on Islamic schools; inspectors linked to “radical Islamist organizations” This story is a continuation of earlier reports that called attention to Islamic schools in Britain where girls as young as 11 are made to wear face veils on trips to and from […] Douglas Fisher Comment Columnists / Salim Mansur Disgusting silence on church bloodbath By SALIM MANSUR, QMI Agency Last Updated: November 6, 2010 2:00am The non-Muslim world is increasingly not surprised and unmoved by the depravity of Muslim jihadis committing outrage, one after another without end in sight, and what can only be explained, unsatisfactorily, […]
Pelosi Stays, Clyburn Wants To Be #2 — Are Dems Going Even Further Left? Posted By Richard Pollock URL to article: Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the gift that keeps on giving. With her announ [1]cemen [1]t [1] that she intends to stay on as the Democratic Party’s top leader in the U.S. House of […]
Well, Sore Winner Barney, the Mockery Has Only Just Begun Posted by B. Daniel Blatt Perhaps the best thing about the unhappy Barney Frank’s victory on Tuesday was that, to borrow an expression, we will have Barney Frank to kick around for two more years. As you all must know by now, that career […] Schakowsky Invokes Anti-Orthodox Stereotypes By Joel B. Pollak On a J Street conference call Thursday evening, Jan Schakowsky thanked the group for its financial and moral support. Her opponent, she said, was “an Orthodox Jewish Republican, Tea Party-endorsed candidate.” It wasn’t the first time Schakowsky alluded to my Orthodoxy: she did it in a […]
Noonan Celebrates GOP Victory by Calling Sarah Palin an Ignorant Nincompoop Peter Wilson Peggy Noonan’s weekend column, Americans Vote for Maturity, is generally supportive of the Tea Parties, but she can’t resist joining the chorus of ruling class Republicans grousing about “unqualified” candidates. She concludes: Americans don’t want, as their representatives, people who seem […] Another Tack: Ibrahim and Ibn-Rabah By SARAH HONIG When Christians voted to call the Cave of the Patriarchs the Ibrahimi Mosque and Rachel’s Tomb the Bilal Ibn-Rabah Mosque, they betrayed Christianity. Quite incredibly, representatives of Western democracies on UNESCO’s executive delivered a self-destructive blow to their own heritage when demanding that Rachel’s Tomb in […] For more United Nations coverage see By Anne Bayefsky The Obama administration got a new “shellacking” this morning, this one entirely voluntary. In the name of improving America’s image abroad, it sent three top officials from the State Department to Geneva’s U.N. Human Rights Council to be questioned about America’s human rights record by the […] Yemen orders U.S.-born cleric found ‘dead or alive’ By Ahmed Al-Haj ** SAN’A, Yemen (AP) — A Yemeni judge ordered police Saturday to find a radical U.S.-born cleric “dead or alive” after the al Qaeda-linked preacher failed to appear at his trial for his role in the killing of foreigners. Yemen is under heavy […]