The FBI’s arrest of Farooque Ahmed of Ashburn, Va., for allegedly assisting al Qaeda in planning multiple bombings around the nation’s capital paints a sobering picture of the threat we still face from jihadists. Farooque Ahmed The FBI charged the 34-year-old computer engineer, husband, father of one and naturalized U.S. citizen with “providing material […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Is the West Really Islamophobic – Or Under Attack? Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman An AP article on October 5/6 ran with a headline: “5 Germans killed in Pakistan with Europe on Alert.” Had the Nazi party revived? Reading further, the article said: “An American missile strike killed five German militants Monday in the rugged Pakistan […]
Obama Wants His New START Treaty Right Now! Posted by Frank Gaffney As Peter Schweizer noted here yesterday, President Obama served notice on the newly elected Senators and the constituents who voted for them on Tuesday: He does not want them to have a say in one of the most important national security issues […] “And the Name of That Town Is Vanity” In a story titled “The ego factor: Can Barack Obama change?” Politico highlights a passage from David Remnick’s Obama biography, The Bridge. Remnick quotes White House adviser and longtime friend Valerie Jarrett: I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows […] Pelosi will run for House minority leader Says: ‘Our work is far from finished’ By Sean Lengell– ** FILE ** In this Nov. 2, 2010, file photo, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California waits to speak in Washington. Pelosi says she will try to keep her Democratic leadership post despite massive election losses that […]
The Left’s Love Affair With Anti-Semitic Fundamentalist Muslims Continued: Hillary Clinton Reaches Out To Anwar Ibrahim 2010 November 4 by Seth Mandel The next generation of would-be Muslim leaders hopes to ride a wave of anti-Semitism and promises of eradication of the Jewish nation to power. And though in most cases the American governing […] Margaret Thatcher Movie Script: A Hit Job? Pam Meister Author’s note: There are a couple of spoilers in this review. If you are dying to watch this movie when it is released in 2011 don’t read any further. When BH editor extraordinaire John Nolte asked me if I wanted to do a Sucker Punch review of the script […] And so it begins. This is an outrage. An infidel was prosecuted by Obama’s Department of Justice and sent to jail for a year for saying in an email that he would “do WHATEVER it takes to eradicate Islam.” So what? A year in prison? A $3,000 fine? We witnessed a traitorous Department of […] San Diego: Islamic cleric, preacher of nonviolence and tolerance, arrested for aiding jihad in Somalia Yet another Islamic cleric misunderstands the Religion of Peace™, even as he preached nonviolence and tolerance. One would almost start to suspect that Islam had a doctrine sanctioning religious deception*. Naah! That would be “Islamophobia”! “San Diego religious leader […]
Sharia Deceptions Posted By Robert Spencer URL to article: As Oklahoma has now voted to ban Sharia, and an openly pro-Sharia Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is going ahead with plans to build a triumphal mega-mosque at Ground Zero, Sharia is more in the public consciousness than ever — and so Islamic supremacists such as […]