To The Point News – STUBBORN AND CLUELESS IN THE WAKE OF DEFEAT STUBBORN AND CLUELESS IN THE WAKE OF DEFEAT Written by Jack Kelly Thursday, 04 November 2010 Democrats who didn’t drown in the Republican wave had to be dismayed by the news conference President Barack Obama held Wednesday before jetting off on his […]
Are you listening, now? | ideas, democrats, people – Commentary – The Orange County Register Are you listening, now? George Will, OC Unwilling to delay until tomorrow mistakes that could be made immediately, Democrats used 2010 to begin losing 2012. Trying to preemptively drain the election of its dangerous (to Democrats) meaning, all […] REFUSENIKS: COLD WAR HEROES RUTH KING Filed under Mideast no comments Refuseniks: Cold War Heroes By Ruth King While much has been written about the Cold War—recently Glenn Beck’s fine documentary Revolutionary Holocaust detailed the horrors of Stalin’s and Mao’s evil empires–there has been little attention to the heroic Russian “refuseniks” and the remarkable […]
A triumph of light over darkness Posted by Isi Leibler on November 2nd, 2010 Today, the Knesset will host a ceremony honoring former Soviet refuseniks and activists from around the world. The campaign on behalf of Soviet Jewry was the most glorious achievement of the Jewish people since the creation of the state, and demonstrated […]
Subject: Team B II to Congress: Investigate Islamist Shariah Influence on US Security Policies ** MEDIA ADVISORY ** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information: Michael Hamilton, Hamilton Strategies (215) 519-4838 Team B II to Congress: Investigate Islamist Shariah Influence on US Security Policies WASHINGTON, DC: In a press briefing announcing the publication of the […]
WHAT TOTAL AND UTTER AND FAWNING “BUSHWA” WHICH IS WHAT WE CALLED SUCH DRIVEL IN THE BRONX AS A EUPHEMISM Finish Rabin’s Work By BILL CLINTON TODAY marks 15 years since an assassin’s bullet killed my friend, Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli prime minister. Since his death, not a week has gone by that I have […],7340,L-3978980,00.html THE TROUBLE WITH THE EARTHQUAKE IS THAT THE INCOMING CONGRESS KNNOWS TOO LITTLE ABOUT ISRAEL’S NARRATIVE….TOO MANY EXPRESS SUPPORT BY FLOGGING THE TWO-STATE DISSOLUTION BECAUSE THAT’S THE MESSAGE THEY HAVE GOTTEN FROM ISRAEL AND ITS OSTENSIBLE SUPPORTERS HERE….WHO ACT AS IF THE ENTIRE “CONFLICT” STARTED IN 1967…..RSK The November, 2010 mid-term election produced a […] THE TEA PARTY IN ISRAEL IS NOT ABOUT OBAMA..IT IS ABOUT ISRAELIS WHO ARE CONSIDERING THE SUICIDE OF THE TWO STATE DISSOLUTION. IF THEY WANT TO MAKE AN IMPACT THEY SHOULD MARCH TO HEBRON, AND DECLARE A CONTRACT WITH ZIONISM….RSK Posted By Allison Kaplan Sommer The turnout at its inaugural rally wasn’t great — […] Rabin was killed tragically, but no less tragically than the victims of the terror spree that he unleashed with his surrender at Oslo. Of those victims….children, babies, soldiers, elderly and settlers , he coldly said “they are the casualties of peace”…or they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Of the settlers’ […] EDITORIAL: The GOP’s Fab Five The world’s most exclusive country club, the U.S. Senate, is in for a shock come January. Five Republicans handed their membership cards Tuesday have promised to shake up the chamber famous for its accommodation – otherwise known as caving to liberal ideas. Because individual senators have a greater ability […]