“English was the main language for less than a quarter of the residents, according to the latest Census figures. Adding to the complications, nearly 49 percent of residents are immigrants and two-thirds of them aren’t citizens, and aren’t entitled to vote.” Diverse district pits 2 minorities Vietnamese immigrant gives strong challenge to Sanchez ASSOCIATED […]
PRUDEN: The gap big enough to swallow a party By Wesley Pruden Tip O’Neill, the speaker of the House when the collective wisdom was that Congress belonged by right to the Democrats, insisted that “all politics is local.” That was the key to the success that rained and rained on Democrats. Every senator, every […] Obama’s baleful gaze upon Jerusalem by Victor Sharpe, American Thinker When White House spokesman Robert Gibbs was ordered by the Obama apparatchiks to express displeasure at the decision by Israel to build houses for young families in the East Jerusalem suburb of Gilo, he failed to disclose that the land on which Gilo was […]
AP – Masked Palestinian Hamas militants stand behind a Palestinian representing captured Israeli soldier Gilad … THE WYE AGREEMENT PUSHED BY MADELEINE HALBRIGHT AND BILL CLINTON AND SIGNED BY NETANYAHU TURNED HEBRON OVER TO THE PALARABS…AND THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE ERASURE OF JEWISH HISTORY IN ANCIENT ISRAEL….RSK If not for the Israeli security presence, Rachel’s Tomb, the Cave of the Patriarchs, and Joseph’s Tomb would be off limits […] Many Democrats are nervous about Election Day, but some are especially nervous. Some administration officials have worked well with Republicans in Congress, but others have infuriated GOP lawmakers during the first two years of the Obama presidency. Republicans on Capitol Hill crave the oversight power that would come with winning a House majority. It would […]
Al Qaeda Unlucky Again in Cargo Bombing AttemptBy Scott Stewart The Oct. 29 discovery of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) inside two packages shipped from Yemen launched a widespread search for other devices, and more than two dozen suspect packages have been tracked down so far. Some have been trailed in dramatic fashion, as when […]
Turncoat Organizations Abandoning the Base Page Printed from: Janet Levy A number of well-established, single-focus national organizations with large constituencies made headlines recently after taking positions that compromised their founding principles. In effect, they abandoned their missions and original bases of support for political and/or financial gains. The resulting censure and shifting of allegiances by […]
Christians and Jews Once Again in the Muslim Line of Fire Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:36 PM PDT With the attack on an Iraqi church and the mailbombs addressed to an American synagogue, while the media worry about Islamophobia– Christians and Jews once again find themselves in the Muslim line of fire. Just last […] (1) British MP stabbed “in revenge for Iraq war”. (More “peace activists” at work?) (2) Hillary Clinton wishes Ahmadinejad happy birthday. (This is the idea of a foreign policy to counter one of the world’s most dangerous despots?) (3) While Ali Abdulemam is in jail, Clinton Hails Bahrain “election”. (4) Dan Meridor cancels UK […]